Are males just compost?

So, turns out my promising lady in preflower has hermied and showing 99.9% male Now I know everyone will say ditch it and start over, but I'm outdoors in a northern climate. Pretty much all I have, other than one proven lady. The hermie stinks to high heaven, was topped and fimmed, 7 feet tall and very bushy. Can A guy maybe wash the entire thing in iso? I know it'd be a lot of work for little reward, but better than compost I figure

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Smoking a male plant is sort of like calling jacking off sex.

Maybe open up a High Times mag to the bud centerfold and get out the rolling papers and lighter and give it a go?
I know a male is a headache when smoked. But males also carry small amounts of thc and cbd. My question is, with that much leaf matter, would an iso wash collect enough to warrant my efforts? As it will yeild a great deal of dry leaves. Part of me wants to try, but a big part of me wants to chop and let him rot.


If you don't think it's in danger of pollinating your other plant, then keep it.

You can definitely do an iso wash and make a decent topical. I wouldn't recommend smoking it though.