are males worthless?


Well-Known Member
right now im growin 2 plants...if they both turn out to be males should i just throw them out and start over...or are the male buds just weaker or something?


Well-Known Member
I would make hash oil of of them. The other side of the coin, imo, is that one should be a female, unless you stress them for some unknown reason.

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Well-Known Member
Lol, I would love to be there when you smoke the male flowers! lol

The only good that can come from male plants is the pollen, and it's not for smoking.

Males contain very little THC. Ever here of Nebraska ditch weed?


Well-Known Member
Are male buds just weaker or something????? CCC That is a good one.. I haven't heard that in a while.......HeHeHeHe


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont know about that. Not to argue, but when I was younger, we bought pot, and all pot was mixed male and females. Not to mention all weed had seeds back than too. We use to sit with a plate and a playing card to clean the weed. I do remember reading somewhere that it matters when you harvest a male plant as to how much thc it actually has.....and you might be surprised. Again, I wouldnt bother smoking it though, I would make the oil however.


Well-Known Member
It's always best to keep em seperate, but if there already together.....what can you do now? Leave em. the roots become tangled together, and to fix the problem would be pretty stressful, depending on how long they've been together. If they are like 4 days old, than it might be worth fixing that problem, otherwise, leave it alone.
is it ok to have 2 in the same pot?


Well-Known Member
how much hash oil can you make with one good sized male plant?? or how much males do you need to make a nice little amount of oil?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Male plants have so little THC that they are better used as compost than anything else. Sure- make some hash out of them if you like... but I don't think you'll be too impressed with the result.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you have, is what you have. I like making it in small batches anyway. Think about it this way, you are going to have to strain it through a coffee dont want so much as to make a mess. Grind up what you got and give it a try. On another note, I dont keep any scales in my house. Its one thing to get caught growing, but growing & selling is not my cup of tea.

how much hash oil can you make with one good sized male plant?? or how much males do you need to make a nice little amount of oil?


Elite Rolling Society
I recently read your instructions for hash oil and I watched the video too. I have two males that I just pulled up and am tossing but after reading your "how to make hash oil" I thought aobut keeping them. BUT EVERYTHING I can read says that males have NO THC. How you going to get a high off the oil if it is 100% male plant derived? We used to smoke rabbit tobacco when we were kids and get a carbon dioxide high. Is that what is coming from the oil made from male plants or what? can a male plant get you high? When we smoked males, years ago, we only got a cough and a little dizzy for 3 minutes and then it was over with!


Active Member
hey roseman, got a quick question..
I got my SH system in and I just want to know about transplanting my babies out of jiffy peat pellets into the sys. They are about 2 and 3 weeks old, just put an osc fan on them couple of days ago. The older ones look good, younger ones look puny. Please I need your advice since you have the same sys

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
JUST to be totally pedantic.... ;)

Males don't have exactly ZERO THC... they have a very small percentage of THC by weight as compared to females, but there (only quite technically) is SOME THC in them... However, males have so little THC that they're not worth much effort.

You'd have to be desperate for some sort of buzz or have nothing else to do.


Well-Known Member
No, not at all the same thing. I have no idea what you have been reading cause everything I have read, says otherwise. The female certainly with her big beautiful buds, has alot more, but the male carries thc also.
If you decide not to make the oil, thats fine, give me your clippings.

I recently read your instructions for hash oil and I watched the video too. I have two males that I just pulled up and am tossing but after reading your "how to make hash oil" I thought aobut keeping them. BUT EVERYTHING I can read says that males have NO THC. How you going to get a high off the oil if it is 100% male plant derived? We used to smoke rabbit tobacco when we were kids and get a carbon dioxide high. Is that what is coming from the oil made from male plants or what? can a male plant get you high? When we smoked males, years ago, we only got a cough and a little dizzy for 3 minutes and then it was over with!


Elite Rolling Society
thank you videoman, I was just reading generalizations, I suppose. I am going to attmep to make the has oil.


Elite Rolling Society
ladybud, if they are in peat moss, even tho it is compressed, you will have to rinse them off 100% before introducing them to the tank. Get them all naked. the dirt could mess up your air pump. Next time, just start with seed or a cutting into the rockwool cube taht came with the system. And the lower int he cup you put them, the fsater they will grow. I have a thread on this site on that system, STEALTH HYDRO BUBBLEPONICS, with tons of helpful tips YOU OUGHT TO CHECK OUT.