Are mosquito dunks allowed in the uk???

Chee Zee

might seem a funny question but i can only find one place in the uk thats selling them, 1 guy on ebay and at £11 ($17) FOR 2 :shock: i couldnt believe my eyes!!

I can buy them from the states at a much better price but the sellers say check with customs if these are allowed in your country, i reaaaaally dont want to phone customs so thought id ask here first, anyone know if these are allowed in the UK and if i were to order some from the states whats the chances theyd get here ok?




Active Member
might seem a funny question but i can only find one place in the uk thats selling them, 1 guy on ebay and at £11 ($17) FOR 2 :shock: i couldnt believe my eyes!!

I can buy them from the states at a much better price but the sellers say check with customs if these are allowed in your country, i reaaaaally dont want to phone customs so thought id ask here first, anyone know if these are allowed in the UK and if i were to order some from the states whats the chances theyd get here ok?




mental eh! if they are on ebay uk, they are legal !!!

or just buy gnat off from most hydro online stores.,%20fungus%20gnat%20contains%20bacillus%20thuringiensis

Chee Zee

ive read alot of mixed reviews on that gnat-off and alot of good reviews with the dunks.. i want the dunks! :)


Well-Known Member
I think the main reason for not seeing them in the UK is because mosquitos dont manage to get a foot hold here in this country and rarely populations expand but also i think some of the chemicals in them are frowned upon, my guess anyway i dont get them round my way either . Peace

Chee Zee

the dunks it is then.

how do you use them?

i have gnats myself.
from what ive read you chop a dunk into 4, leave one of the quarters to soak/dissolve in a gal of water and water your plants

i really want some so might just see what happens and get a pack of 20 off ebay :)