Are my autoflowers ruined?


I planted 6 two week old shortryders (Nirvana) outside and I am having a few issues with them. First off, they are all 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall! I know from experience they should not hit more than 18". Most of the leaves are at the top as well, which I would think would be the result of low light. The area where they are planted gets about 5 hours of direct sun and the rest is filtered sun from surrounding trees. As the title states, these plants are 5 weeks old and not showing ANY signs of sex. At this point, can they even autoflower anymore? Thanks


Well-Known Member
What Ive read about auto flowers is that they flower with age as a trigger rather then light schedule...and most are supposed to be around two weeks. So unfourtunatly I think that what you have is not going to auto flower. I think personally I would write to Nirvana and explain to them what happened and that your very disappointed in the product and it wasn't as described. Weather they do or don't fix the problem for you, I think you should write a review comment on the webpage.