are my babies doing fine?


New Member
I want to know if these are doing ok, they are 1 and a half weeks old they have been growing faster than my other ones. Ive been growing them out side but had to bring them iin do to wind and cloudyness i have em in my window seal . and i have put more soil in the pot because the stems were to stringy.:hump: I was just wondering how to harvest and dry out for some SMOKE:clap::clap::clap::hug::hug::hug:



Active Member
There's tons of curing threads on here but the basic idea is hang dry for 3-7 days until stems snap instead of bend (but don't break off) and then either paper bags for a few days opening for 20-30 minutes, or jars "burping" them with a humidity sensor in them or just burping them to check for moisture as much as you need to so they don't mold. As they cure they'll smell better. Once you hang dry them you should be able to at least smoke some of it but it won't be "top notch" until after the cure.

However you are weeks (months) from that. Get them on a light cycle for veg 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 then after 1-2 months, stick em into 12/12 and then do the above after another 8 weeks.

But then again, I'm not 100% sure if this is the info you were looking for.


Well-Known Member
If it is only a week and half old it's not even close to thinking about harvesting and smoking.


New Member
They look okay. I am assuming the stems were stringy because they stretched a lil too much. When you bring them in I would get a small fan and blow the air around the plants so that they kinda move around without the fan blowing right on them. It helps for the stem to get stronger.