Are my clones dead?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
Whats up i just took clones of my plant yesterday and they are looking droopy. I was wondering if this is normal for the first few days or not. I used rooting hormone powder then put them into the expanded peat pellets and into the mini greenhouse. Pics are below...



Well-Known Member
the longest iv had a clone "droop" is 2 days...just fyi.... try keeping the rooting medium at 70-75 degrees. they'll droop way less (if at all)....

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
oh yeah i forgot to other plants are flowering right now and i really dont have another grow room, is it alright to try and grow the clones up in the flowering room under 12/12? the temp is STEADY at 72 and does not move or fluctuate. I am also using a heat pad underneath and that is on 24hours. Also what are the disadvantages of starting clones 12/12 and finishing them that way? if there is any. THANKS! any help would be great..

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
okay. whats the growing phase like, i can use my 100w daylight CFLS and the heating pad but how long do i grow them for in VEG, same as usual? (1 month). Then start flowering?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
yeah theyre in a humidity dome with heating pad underneath with a avg temp at 75 roughly. should i put these downstairs in a different room where they can go under 24 hour light for a month then go into flowering or can i leave them in my flowering room? im getting mixed answers on this topic...


Active Member
You can not grow clones in a flowering room. Flowering need 12/12 clones need min 18/6 of light (Needs more to root faster) second is humidity, clones need very high humidity like 80%+ to root, flowering plants need under 60% humidity ish, above you run the risk of mold and mites, too much humidity will not allow for transpiration which basically is your plants will stop growing. You need 2 rooms for sure, one for veg/clone/and mothers the other for flowering. As simple as I can put it for you if you want this type of a set up.

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
alright i moved them into the basement under 24 hour lighting on a heat mat thats on high. its still probably a little cool down there and not where id prefer it there anything i can do to increase the heat or anything like that, if these die im fucked.

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
yeah i cut the leaves earlier today im just worried that the heat wont be high enough. I dont want these guys to die but if its got a heat pad under it on HIGH i think it should be alright till they get far along enough to put them into larger pots.