Are my clones dead?


Well-Known Member
any chance of them making it? I noticed new growth a few days ago and it stopped they look really droopy. What should I do? There about 10-14 days old and no roots showing


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Active Member
Sometimes it takes longer than that to root but you need some air, open your vents for a day or two then take top off, If your vents are cracked open already then take your top off, make sure they are always moist . With my experience with clones, once they start drooping like that it's tough to get them to root but good healthy clones shouldn't be droopy , and ya u prob got too much leaf on them


Well-Known Member
I haven't used a dome in I don't know how long, I kept losing cuts to molds so I took the lid off one day and have lost very few since, maybe five or six in the last four years. cloning is very simple, clip the tips off your leaves, stick the cut in moist medium with or without hormone, keep the medium moist, pack it tight around the base to maximize contact and keep the cut hydrated through the stem. Unless you live in a desert area or somewhere with no humidity you can probably ditch the Dome and misting regimen. I use a perlite verm mix, about 2-1. I know cloning seems complicated but its not, remember its as simple as sticking a branch in dirt, that's how it was first done centuries ago id bet


Active Member
And if you use an ez cloner there isn't a dome on those so as long as you keep your cones moist they should be fine without a dome, and yes I agree with the guy ⬆, cloning is pretty damn easy