Are my clones gonna die? - need help please - pics


Well-Known Member
keep the dome on tight for 4 days... but during those 4 days once a day open it, wipe the moisture off the dome and close it back up... On the 4th day get a clothes pin and clip it on one end of the tray then let the lid sit on the clothes pin to let a little air in for the next 4 days then take it off... here's a pic of mine.. Sorry for the darkness... shitty computer cam...




Well-Known Member
at least 90 out of 98.... heating mats help... if you look at my pic there is a blanket under 'em, under the blanket is a heating mat



Well-Known Member
they look fine man. sometimes they start to droop, then after a light misting, they perk up again, all within the hour. Just keep the humidity up, the 1st 4 or 5 days, then after that open up the dome more day by day. Just gotta be patient, and not try to pick them up to check for roots before day 14, or you may damage them.