Are my clones ok?

Hey guys this is my first time cloning. Im using an 8 site aero cloner i got from a friend for free. I think he got it from htg or something. But anyway i got 5 clones in there now since 7/14 ( today is day 9). My water ph is 6.0, room temp is about 75-78 degrees(water temp is about the same), using a 35 watt 6500 kelvin 2400 lumens bulb. I mixed my B-1 root hormone stuff in the water just like the instruction say and cut my tips at 45s with a slit up the middle and dipped them in the hormex gel. Pump and light both runof 24/7 except for last friday we had a storm and the power was put for 5 hours, is that bad? They still dont have roots but are kinda fattening up and turning white on the tips and were lower nodes are being sprayed. And they are kinda pimpling up. Is this normal? When will roots sprout and how long will They have to be before i can put them in dirt. Also my leaves are starting to turn yellow but i read that was normal. Should i give them any nutes? And if so should i spray in on the leaves or roots or mix with resevoir water? And how much? Thanks for the help. I can take pics when i get home tonight if thatll help u guys.


Well-Known Member
the white pimples are root bud sites that are becomming active. normal. ive lost power for a day with no adverse effects. me thinks you'll be alright. i dont need pix. you painted an accurate enough description.
Well we got pounded by a storm again yesterday which knocked out my power. Its been out for 20 hours now and im worried about my clones. They have teeny tiny roots showing but my pump isnt running now. I keep spraying them with a spray bottle every chance i get but they r not lookin so hot. Im thinkin about just throwing them in dirt and see what happens. Do u think they will live? The roots are like a quarter inch long maybe a couple half inchers.

My power company estimates it will be out until tomorrow aroumd 6p.m. what do you guys think i should do. I dont really have any place i can take them to or anything as most of my city is powerless. over 7,000 households in my area last time i checked w/o power. We r back in the stonage around here. I need a generator!!