Are my girls dead? HELP


Active Member
I just pulled these out of my back yard Monday and I let them stay out all night and all day till I got home from work on Tuesday and I put them down my basement with a 400W light I just picked up. The girls have been out side sence late May and had to dig them up because of the cold.

Most of the leaves are drooping from shock I think. Brought them in the house and put them under the light for about an hour. Started the 12/12 today. Dont think they are going to make it. The tricks are all milky and cloudy. Wanted to leave them under the light for a few more weeks but I think I killed them? What schould I do this is my first grow. Should I cut them and hang them to dry?

1st Plant

1st Plant

2nd Plant (this one does not look like its as bad as the 1st plant?

What should I do???? I need help!!