Are my ladies ready to flip? - PICS - 1000W MH SCROG soil, air cooled tube, 4x4x6 DR1


Well-Known Member
Actually this leads me to an important question; I have my thermometer reading the canopy temperature via a wired remote probe that I just have laying there, it's totally exposed to the direct light. If I hide it under a couple of the fan leaves, am I more likely to get an accurate reading? Or is it already the accurate reading being displayed exposed to the direct light.
I'm usually doing a Scrog grow so I take temps above canopy (direct light) and under just get a general idea. As long as it doesn't top 30oC/86Fh everything's good.
What a wonderful problem I have. I fear that I may need to actually start tying my ladies down in a month, because heat is a huge issue for me right now that I've switched over to HPS (still 1000W). I slid the carbon filter closer to the light in the tube, I bought a booster fan for the air-cooled tube. Temperature canopy-level is 78.5F with the window open with 30 - 37F air coming in. This is after I raised my hood as absolutely high as it can go in the tent. I think I might be in trouble lol. I can't run this bad boy on super-lumens mode, forget about it!

Just how bad is it if I have the temperature getting up to 85? I am terrified of hermies. I am definitely not running a CO2 system (this grow). If I ever do run a CO2 system in my tent, I will have to run it static, absolutely MUST have that carbon filter running! I sincerely fear that if the plants grow another foot, I will have to dial it down to 600W, or maybe 400W :( If I keep the window open for too long of a period I will start getting mold on the windowsill. Don't want mold on the ladies, don't want mold on my bay window.

Just mutiltated the shit out of them, but I don't think I'll be doing much more of that. I just cut some fan leaves away to make way to some of the lower branches that are reaching for light; hopefully that was a wise move. I'm done messing with them like that now though, I will only be lolli-popping the bottom to make sure hte top gets all of the glory.


you said you hope for a qp expect more like a p you should run co2 its ok toturn fans of for 30 mins every few hrs as long as you are using co2 dont worry bout no hermies
Looks real nice, good job so far man.

How's the heat situation?
Heat situation is still kind of high, I absolutely have to run with the windows open, end of story. Highest it gets wiith the window open is 80 degrees. If they're shut... it can push 90. That just can't happen in my tent!
you said you hope for a qp expect more like a p you should run co2 its ok toturn fans of for 30 mins every few hrs as long as you are using co2 dont worry bout no hermies
I hope it turns out that way I really do! I would love a CO2 system but I just can't justify the cost right now.
Been a little while since I've done an update, but here is the latest. I'm ready to chop them next week or the week after, as I just entered my 7th week (this is an 8 to 10 week sativa-dominant it turns out). One minor update to the setup; re-worked the air-scrubbing system, and have a CO2 system running now with a controller, temperature gets up to about 90 degrees max. I just shut the CO2 off since I'm ready to start winding her down. I dialed my ballast down to 600 watts. Pretty proud for my first grow.



Well-Known Member
If they're sativa dominant they're going to take a while longer..Even my mostly indicas aren't finished until week 10.
Do you have a scope to check the trichomes?

You've every right to be proud of your grow (+rep if it'll let me;)) would be a shame to cut to early.

(Graze the popcorn buds if you need a smoke, which isn't ideal, but better than the whole plant...)

Yeh! Top grow, and even more so for your first ;)


Looks good man doin everything right. If You start getting powdery mildew problems or humidity. Use your fan as a blower and suck all the air outta the tent it will create a Vacuum effect. Great way to keep temps/Humidity down and control mold ect.. That's what I do atlesst..
After all is said and done ladies and gentlemen, my final yield off of 4 plants is 26 ounces of dry weight. It's beauty stuff too :) Introducing the Co2 after the 2nd week of floweirng seemed to have an affect big time. Thanks for all of the advice!