Are my Leaves dying cause my plants finishing??


Active Member
I think im going to be in my 7th week , im moving at the end of this month so i have to cut before i go, and i need time to take down grow room. my leaves are dying off now at a fast rate. they were nice and healthy now they are dying. 2 days ago i went in and the tops were all falling over from weight, i tied them all up, so i assume leaves are dying cause its finishing right? also i pretty much stopped adding nutes to the water cause i want to give ittime to use whats left up and ive only been adding reg water to clean out the rez.


IM 12/12 From seed

7th week from SIGN OF SEX


Sativa/indica hybrid, more sativa tho.



Active Member
Its using up the leaves because it needs the nutes from em.
Yes thats what i ment, i know plants do that when they are finishing cause all the nutes go to the buds, but i was just wondering cause it seems alittle early, unless my timeing is off from when i saw sign of sex. This is my first Bubble Ponic grow and im 12/12 from seed so i guess the buds are finishing faster.. i just wanted to know if its somthing im doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
Its not nearly as severe if you give it the nutes it wants. It can happen before its anywhere near done. I feed thru the grow. I use organics. What are your trichs like?


Well-Known Member
You got ugly problems in your grow. But, that doesn't really matter. Since, your taken them early because your moving.

Good luck with your next grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm concerned cause the tips look burned. Thats not how they die. They should fade and fall off.


Active Member
Yeah, they'll naturally turn yellow - nitrogen deficiency - and fall off as flowering ends. What you have is not a nitrogen deficiency, it looks like some nute burn.


Active Member
well it wasnt lke this before. they were nice and healthy, look at my grow on my sig, i only been giving african voilet 7-7-7 for the last week. i stopped giving my strong 20-20-20. my other plants look good. the trichs i cant check but i used my digi cam and zoomed in as much as i can on a pic of some buds and i can see there mostly cloudy and like 15 percent amber. Im going to be growing in a DFT system at my new house, in a shed, with veg times not 12/12. and im going to be using advanced nutes. should i just let the leaves die out and then chop her? that will give me alot of time to get ready to move, i got like 50 more beans ive collected for my new pad. :) i just dont want to start any before i go cause im already going to be taking 2 flowering females.


Active Member
Also note im only using 8 cfls over her and 3 2 bulb t12 fixtures on the sides so thats why they arnt super big buds but they look super frosty and they look great to me. Imma be upgrading to hids at the new pad and use my florescent lights for my clones and seedlings under the DFT system in the veg spot.


Active Member
Just let it keep going, don't chop early or anything. Make sure you cure it properly, that makes more of a difference than anything else in a grow.