Are my plants affecting my son? babymommas going nuts


Active Member
What no one thinks he should play in the tent lmao. I always get itch when I trim some people say you can get hay fervor from them. I think it's an old wives tale


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...grass makes me itchy, but weed cannabis never has, so... I guess if he gets a runny nose or watery eyes he is allergic to grass and such...but again I don't understand allergies without it not the pollen on plants that triggers allergies, much like the dander on pets?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
People with grass allergies can have a reaction simply by lying on the grass without any pollen involved. It's called a topical allergy. I agree that it's more common to have a pollen allergy, but there are all kinds of allergies. My year and a half old gets skin reactions to milk simply touching his skin, he doesn't have to ingest it to have those reactions. He does love bud though, and when I let him hold bud he loves to smell it and say "Daddy". He also tried to inhale deep when he comes into a room when mom and dad are toking. If I didn't know better I'd say that baby is trying to get high. He also starts dancing around when he hears a Bob Marley song. I think my baby boy is Rasta.


Well-Known Member
Delete your post. Not something that should be shared on a forum my friend. If your son is getting high. I would say you are the one with the problem ... NOT THE OP


Well-Known Member
i have the strain ICE its just a i dont know its frostly just light green and i cant trim it without gloves, none of my other strains are like this but i figured it was normal i never thought nobody else has not had a strain like this i just figured it had a different compound to its plant waste than my other plants. listen im not an expert at botany but i think different strains means different characteristics so it make sense to me that some weed can make you itchy.
when im trimming it makes my skin red and i get a super runny nose most of the time i just get a runny nose from my other stains, it like cutting an onion sometimes with the cream tho, makes your eyes feel dry as fuck. but like a said this is the only strain i have come across that does this to me, my girlfriend and the person who gave me the clone of it so i know im not imagining things.


Well-Known Member
wheres the like button for that vg? jah man not a good thing to have happening(i understand he like to wander and dance but give him the cell phone instead)thats why i keep mine in a cage(jk)


Well-Known Member
Simple solution - Don't have your son in your bedroom when the closet is open. Better yet. Don't let your son in your bedroom at all.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the pollen isnt an alergy an allergy? im mean if someone is alergic to latex all they have to is smell it right to have reaction i think plant excrement is the same it comes out the pores dries and floats away

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Delete your post. Not something that should be shared on a forum my friend. If your son is getting high. I would say you are the one with the problem ... NOT THE OP
My kid doesn't get high, he just tries to. We don't smoke around him at all, so take a chill pill. We only puff in the other room with the door closed. Sometimes he does wake up from his nap to find a session going in the other room, and that's when he tries to get high (breathes in and out real deep), but we quickly bring him to another room. He likes to smell the flowers, but doesn't get high.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
**Let me preface this by saying that I don't in any way condone kids using weed.**

..however in my opinion weed will not cause any long term damage to children at all, even if they do get high.

How can I be so sure? I used myself as a guinea pig..

I ate 2 pot brownies when I was four, and got very very high - can still remember it.

I smoked my first joint at 4 or 5 years old.

Smoked my first hash at 5 years old.

I have a tested IQ of 145 and am in good health now as an adult close to 40 years of age. I have 2 very smart children. I have a good full time job, and have been working steadily since I was 12 years old. I still like weed.


Well-Known Member
**Let me preface this by saying that I don't in any way condone kids using weed.**

..however in my opinion weed will not cause any long term damage to children at all, even if they do get high.

How can I be so sure? I used myself as a guinea pig..

I ate 2 pot brownies when I was four, and got very very high - can still remember it.

I smoked my first joint at 4 or 5 years old.

Smoked my first hash at 5 years old.

I have a tested IQ of 145 and am in good health now as an adult close to 40 years of age. I have 2 very smart children. I have a good full time job, and have been working steadily since I was 12 years old. I still like weed.
your preachin to the choir brotha


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, I'm more worried about him drinking soap or choking on an almond.
*Let me first preface then by saying that in no way was i saying that marijuana was going to hurt your child.*

But anyone that is not with our movement is obviously against it. I was just saying man.. thats why i pm'd you. i forgot to delete my post. im stoned as shit and honestly. . . im really just trying to look out for the greater good of the forum. as i have always done. Since ive been here at least. Not trying act like a moderator or anything im just making a statement. take my advice or leave it. It has nothing to do with you being 40 with two wonderful children. Im just trying to look out for instances when/where your son is old enough to understand legalization and the hardships we have gone through to get to legal MEDICAL MARIJUANA. you do realize CPS would snatch your children away from you if they didnt have redcards. things like this are detrimental to our movement of mass legalization. you seem to be shallow on this since you are 40 and look at it a different way. Correct me if im wrong


It doesn't matter what the facts are. If the kid's momma think's your putting him in harm's way... Ya don't don't fuck w/ momma. Peace Jack


Well-Known Member

We are constantly striving everyday for a more free state. Legalizing one of the most scrutinized plants would give a world of wonders to several million people. From Those Stoner Mormon moms to the Stiletto Stoners. And the regular joe that just wants to smoke a j because he has an eating disorder. or epilepsy or some ruthless other disease or scorn that mankind suffers from. HIV AIDS> Come on you name it weed helps it. Lets be serious folks. I just dont believe in people putting needless roadblocks in place for nothing....

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
CPS isn't gonna do shit to my family. I have a note from my Doctor for just that reason. The fact is that I'm a mandated reporter for CPS as a public employee.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about how the outside community feels about what I post here, because they don't visit this site regularly.

kbo ca

Active Member
dude anybody and everybody knows that pot puts off a smell that is poisonous to children. I saw something on Fox news about it just last night.