Are my plants normal ? Please tell me

Mr SoloDolo420

New Member
I've recently started growing :leaf: plants, I started those two plants from seeds, they sprouted about 6 days ago. I got 5 23w CFL's 6500k on top of them at about 3-4 inches. Just by looking at them I know they are not 100% healthy so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they see anything wrong with my plants. If you look closely you see see they got some weird dark green spot on the tip of the big leaves...

I would really appreciate if someone here could help me diagnose my plant and give me some tips!
Oh and I'm also worried about the watering part, I'm really confused on how much and how many time should I water my plants...

Thank you and sorry if my english is confusing, I mostly speek french...

Mr SoloDolo420

New Member
Lol yeah I'll give some time... Maybe I'm just too anxious about them, and I'll try not overwatering them. Thanks for the replies!!


Well-Known Member
You only water when your containers are light in weight. Pick them up now. Thats what they feel like it you have been overwatering. Overwatering kills or ruins things fast. You dont need to water more than every 3-4 days. Sometimes 5 days. Just walk away. Dont do it.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Those deformed leaves look calcium deficient. Look how the leaf margins not serrated like usual and is growing in retarded.

Is there any lime in the soil?