Are my plants okay ?

Hey everyone . Not only am I new to this site , I am in fact new to growing as well as you will see . This is my first grow and I have learned/ am still learning a great deal about the art . However , I think I'm doing "okay" (hopefully) but I would like some , if not professional , better opinions that my girlfriend can give me , ha . I will list as many specs as I can and all the opinions, criticisms , and pointers are welcome . I'm willing to learn and grow the best. :lol:

Big bud
5 gallon pots
5th week of flowering
Been growing since November ( messed up and had wrong lights , switched lights from the horrible Home Depot plant lights to cfls )
2 26 watt cfls for veg and 2 12 watt red spectrum cfls for flower
I have both types of lights in conjunction now
Mg organic soil
Water when dry
2 plants about 1 foot each
One topped plant

Air purifier ( not blowing on plants )
Distilled water

About 2 sets of fan leaves have fallen off and there are about 2 more that are going, is this normal ? Should I be experiencing this ?

I would also like to know ( if anybody can tell me ) a roughy estimate of how much I should expect to yield . Thanks again !!!

Thank You


diet coke

Active Member
Maybe around 5 oz, but I am a nube.
If you were able I would go get 4 200/300w cfl same sockets you are using but way more light. 60.00 would cover the cost. This would really help production.
Those are some hairy bastards! I wouldn't worry about the leaves. During flower marijuana tends to shed its leaves. I've seen grows where all the fan leaves were plucked off and all that was left was the stem and buds. (i wouldn't recommend doing this) couldn't really tell you the weight, they've still got some fattening up to do.
Thanks Guys. Coke, your right, I definitely will change my lights to a higher wattage next grow. THC, yeah I've been reading that as well on numerous websites
The way that they look right now , what is the least amount I will yield. Also how much if I harvest when they are 100% ready instead of 75% to bulk my yield ?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I see 4 - 6 week to go.

I've flowered under CFL's, so here's my 2cents.

Use a 3:1 ratio of "red" to "blue".

I just used the CFL's from the grocery store 23W, 6000K for the blue, 3500K for the red.

And most definately, as stated above, you need a lot more light.
You should have a MINIMUM of 100W (true) CFL for 1 plant, and at least an additional 50W for every other plant.

For 2 plants, I'd have apx. 200W (real), that would be 6, 23W 3500K CFL's, and 2, 23W 6000K CFL's. a reflector?

Good luck.