Are My Plants Safe Against Deer???

Delicious SweetLeaf

Active Member
My three late-season guerrilla-grow Autoflowers are now just over a month old, and have grown to a height of about a foot or so (give-or-take, depending on the plant). Just beside a couple of small evergreen trees, I have the 5-gallon pots cammoflaged and protected with an encircling 18 inch ring of chickenwire that I've barbed at the top (to keep critters from eating the plants). The area attracts very, very few (if any) passers-by-- and does have deer in the area (I've seen them within 20 feet of the plants), and the plants and the containers they're in blend into the environment REALLY well... Except for the chickenwire-- which captures highly-reflective rain & dew droppletts and has a grid-like pattern that can be seen from some distance away.

My question is: Do deer find Marijuana plants tasty once the plants have grown past the seedling/baby stage??? If I removed the chickenwire (to make the plants more camoflaged), would my girls be safe against hungry deer and critters???


Thanks for your advice and opinions!


Well-Known Member
Next year make a small brushfire and toss your fencing in. It'll scorch the outside. Just make sure it doesn't melt. Also it's close to Halloween. Grab a couple motion detecting decorations. It'll spook any deer.