Are my plants to small for 5 weeks?


Cheap solutions I have none, you get what you pay for in this game. But I do use Craigslist a lot for item that I might need for a good deal, If you have no cash to work with, trade something for some equipment. There is no excuse for that poor plant but the lack of light, I have put plants next to the window to get more light than what you have there. Good luck on your grow...


Well-Known Member
Sweet string bean plants bro. I'd say throw them outside since you don't have enough light, but they would probably get torn up by the wind. Go get a small fan on low to strengthen the stems. May even want to top or replant a little. And definetley grab more lights.


Active Member
here's mine at 18 days IMG_0822.jpg

the two in the back are in their 1st weeks IMG_0824.jpg
they are all being grown under 2x 125w hydrofam cfl. im only using 2700k btw...


Active Member
That is some MAJJJJOR stretch dude...

Would they even be worth keeping? Could they bounce back? Anyone...Opinions?*


Well-Known Member
I think that they need to be transplanted, topped, put under decent light ( not incandecent with a trailer park boys foil reflector ), tied up, topped again, and then you may be able to save a good yield off them.....but i dont think the OP has the money to do it by looking at the picks. Soooo, id try and find some bathroom style four bulb fixtures (2), steal some cfls (8), and rig those two four bulb fixtures over them. Then as you get money, upgrade to 42 watt cfls in those spots.

Note to self...never use incandecent light bulbs for grow, stupid, stupid, stupid.
You can fix em OP, ninjas got faith in ya :):):)