Are there any HONEST [non-advertising-sponsored] vaporizer review sites?

I'm sick of having a chronic cough and needing to clear my throat every 5 minutes as a result of my daily inhalation of burnt plant material. So I'm in the market for a reasonably priced vaporizer. As I usually do when purchasing a new product, I went online searching for reviews written by the users of various brands. Unfortunately, all I've found are websites obviously sponsored by manufacturers hawking their own products. I simply don't trust the reviews planted on these sites.

Does anyone know of a site or source for honest vaporizer reviews from real users? If not, do you have personal recommendations of products you've actually used?

Here's what I'd like to find: well-made device; efficient use of plant material, with minimal waste; accurate temperature controls. Stealth is not a huge issue, but reasonable price is. If I had the money I'd fork over the $400-$500 for a Volcano, but that's really not affordable for me. I'd like to find something that approaches the Volcano's efficiency and rich vapor, but at about half the price. Is that possible, or is this just a 'pipe dream'?

I would love to get some honest advice from regular users -- either a review site I can trust, or your personal vaporizer preference based on actual usage.

Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions!


I have a MFLB and really like it. Easy to use and efficiant. I also have
a Vapor Genie. Again a Great product.


bud bootlegger
i have a v tower i think it's called.. it's a nice product, but i'm not crazy about vap'ing tbh.. just something about the way it effects me makes me prefer combustion over vaporization...

there is a website, i don't remember wtf it's called, that's a vape forum.. i'll try and find a link for you..


Well-Known Member
Get on FuckCombustion. That's a good site for all things vape...

FC is a great site, that's the site I explored before I invested in a vape.

IMO, go with the Silver Surfer or Da Buddha. I own both, and I love both. Purple Days and the Arizer Extreme-Q are all good alternatives too. I find that Da Buddha and SSV offer a higher vapor to air ratio while still delivering smooth hits.


Well-Known Member

Get the Arizer Extreme Q. Next to the Volcano it is the best. It's made in Canada, and NOT China. Can use both with bags, and whips. Come with a remote control, and can be had online for under 200.00


Well-Known Member
FC is the site for vape info. I have and herbalaire. I love bags or whip, also canadian, great temp control. It is a wonderful vape. I had to send it in for repair, no questions ask just fixed it and sent me about $30 worth of extras with it.
While waiting for my Herbaire to come back I pickup an Arizer Solo. Great little device. When I'm traveling I can put it in a cup and looks like a straw hanging out. But I could see it as more than a solo use.