Are there any medical conditions where you cant use marijuana?


Well-Known Member
I lways wonder about the effect on the liver. i have seroius liver disease and serious pain condition unrelted. i am smoking it for pain.

i wonder if it good or bad. i always assume as long s i dont drink.

i read some studies. but basically inconclusive. i dug hard enuf and one siad it helped.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I doubt smoking would mess with your liver. Most of the studies you will find will be total bullshit. They are trying to ban smoking outside in california for christ sake with concerns about second and third hand smoke.


Active Member
I wouldn't be surprised if they already have. I can definitely see marijuana being a viable treatment for depression.
Oh fo sho' yo. me and my moms stay blazed all day every day, from when we wake up to sleepytime, for that exact reason. i was on paxil, prozac, wellbutrin, etc, for years, and they didn't do shit.

smoke weed everyday.