Are these babies budding or flowering?


Well-Known Member
oh and you not budding idk wat a males flower phase is called. Sorry for doin da ahh but ive never see a male dat far along scared da shit outta me.


Well-Known Member
Man i hope those arent your only plants cuz if they are you pretty much wasted your time growing for smokable product. But on the bright side you got to see first hand a full grown male plant after its flowered and shed pollen everywhere :)


Active Member
Great. (sigh)

I have six plants growing in the closet. I will take pictures of all the plants, and maybe you guys can tell me which are males and which are females. It's dark now and I don't want to shine any light.

I understand about the pollen getting on the lights and grow room, and the females having a reduced THC load. But how much less if the females are pollinated? And seeds aren't a bad thing. Is there anything salvageable from the male plant?


Well-Known Member
no males only good for makeing seeds and u get less bud and seeds after the males polnate the femalesget pics up asap!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm not certain at what stage the plants are in.

I'd say they are in the "impregnating your females" stage.

Oh well.... you'll get a smaller yield..... but no biggie... we've all smoked weed with seeds in it..

Save the seeds and try to spot the males sooner next time :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah yer pretty much into full blown "oh fuck I seeded my whole crop" stage. No sensimilla for you!

Seriously though all those pics are of male plants, won't get you high no matter how much you smoke.