Are these broad mites?

Today I noticed that there was some sort of white and orange color buildup on the edges of my fabric pot. The plant is showing signs of possible mite damage but it’s not bad enough for me to really notice it. Could it be some type of mold or fungus? I have an air purifier on UVC mode in my lung room and I turned it off and forgot to turn it on for a few days. I’m wondering if this is what caused the buildup because this air purifier was able to eradicate the mild powdery mildew during veg that I experienced with this plant. I didn’t have the patience to turn off the light and take a pic, sorry about that. Thanks


go go kid

Well-Known Member
1646392613617.png this is broad mite damage, do any of the plants look like that ???
Broad mites lay eggs on the undersides of leaves. They prefer newer growth and the crevices of the cannabis plants. Always inspect the damaged growth areas with magnification, paying close attention to the ribbing of the veins on the underside of the leaves.
ive never seen growth like that on the metalic cloth before
View attachment 5095952 this is broad mite damage, do any of the plants look like that ???
Broad mites lay eggs on the undersides of leaves. They prefer newer growth and the crevices of the cannabis plants. Always inspect the damaged growth areas with magnification, paying close attention to the ribbing of the veins on the underside of the leaves.
ive never seen growth like that on the metalic cloth before
None of the leaves look that shiney, but some are developing small shiny specks and are curling slightly up. I could tell if this was ph/nutrient lockout and when I saw this growth on the fabric pot, I got concerned. I ordered a loupe just now so I will inspect closely tomorrow once it arrives.


Well-Known Member
It just looks like something got smeared on the tent and maybe dried up to a white color? Food or something possibly?

Do you have pictures of the plants?
It just looks like something got smeared on the tent and maybe dried up to a white color? Food or something possibly?

Do you have pictures of the plants?
Just took some new ones. The pictures don’t really do justice but I tried to get the shiny patches in the last pic. Btw thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it.


It just looks like something got smeared on the tent and maybe dried up to a white color? Food or something possibly?

Do you have pictures of the plants?
Also I don’t eat or keep any kind of food around the tents. However I haven’t cleaned this main tent in a while. The plant in the pictures is a sativa I had leftover so I threw it in with one of my larger plants. The larger one doesn’t seem to have many signs that would make me think it’s mites. Haven’t seen any leaves curling inwards on the sides or any shiny leaves. Also I forgot to mention that the orange and white buildup was on all 4 corners of the fabric pot, at slightly different heights.


Well-Known Member
the 1st photo on the fabric is not mites. I dont think it is an issue. But the 2nd batch of photos could be mites........
I think you should get a magnifying glass and take a closer look like gogokid says............. the symptoms of curled, dry leaves in the photos could be something other than mites if you can not find mites or other pests or it could be from days now gone by.
the 1st photo on the fabric is not mites. I dont think it is an issue. But the 2nd batch of photos could be mites........
I think you should get a magnifying glass and take a closer look like gogokid says............. the symptoms of curled, dry leaves in the photos could be something other than mites if you can not find mites or other pests or it could be from days now gone by.
Roger that, I’ve order a jewelers loupe so I’m going to take a look tomorrow. I might just pull my larger plant as a safe measure since it’s already almost done.
thats salt buildup on the sides of your pot
This makes so much sense now!! I was sick a week or 2 ago and got so lazy that I was watering with tap water filled with chlorine (haven’t checked ppm but I can smell it. I have hard water here in northern Cali so I’m guessing that was the buildup and the dying leaves are possibly nute/ph lockout?
dude, do not panic chop your plant. It doesnt look close to being done and nothing serious is wrong with it.
I have another plant in the same tent which is about 2 weeks ahead of the plant in the pictures. I was thinking of just cutting that one since it’s close but now that you guys have eased my concerns, I’m feeling much better about the situation. Honestly, thank you guys so much.


Well-Known Member
dude, do not panic chop your plant. It doesnt look close to being done and nothing serious is wrong with it.
I believe you are correct sir! If those leaves in question do not get worse and you see no insects or mites then I would watch and wait.............. but not panic or chop for something I cant see.......... there is no webbing so it may not be mites- then again I guess broad mites dont produce webs.

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