Are these male flowers?


Today I noticed some seeds growing on one of my plants. They are definitely seeds and not male parts, but I looked around the other plants and found some bud sites on one that look very different.

Are these male flowers?

If so, do I just keep popping them off and hoping for the best? Or remove and destroy?

Also with the herme/seed developing plant, do I just continue to pop the seeds off to direct more energy to the bud sites and finish out the grow this way?

They have been in flowering for 2.5 weeks, I really don't want to lose all 4 of them. (The other 2 show no signs of sex issues, they both look very female)



Thanks for the feedback guys... I removed it... :( Oh well... it was 1/2 the size of the others for some reason anyway. I've read Kalashnakova is known for hermies, but I thought I had kept the environment spot on, guess not.

It was SO pretty and really producing some pretty buds. Sad, but I guess better than ruining the chances of awesome bud with the others.