Are these males????????? Help please


So after all my older post about my problems i finely did research and now i am currently doing MY FIRST LST on my babies main stem, (except on my hydro but i couldnt add a pic my camera died), and i think they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. All the lower colas are starting to turn upward and grow up and all are basicly the same size. so all is good. BUT the leaves are growing in downward and with a curve in them (i know what a ridicolous comparison) but thats what they look like. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM. AND FOR THE MAIN PROBLEM MALESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! they have been under my HPS since 1/9 and i think i may have beginning signs of males. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A FELLOW RIU'er with his frist grow ever!!! PLEASEEE

Yes all bag see but mainly all from the same sac. Ive read about hermie's but how do you tell exactly and WTF should i do. Pulle em?
i Dont want males i want budda! stinky green! so in yalls opinion the one n the pic that has pretty much little balls are males? n i shold get em outa my grow room? Correct? Sorry this is my frist grow n i dont want it gonig down cuz of fucking males! FUCK THAT!


Well-Known Member
only the closeup shots are worth dick. You cannot spot a male early in flower from 3 feet away. Anything with a "ball" on the end of a stick is crap. (male)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
First pic is trippin me out. Second pic is male as is the last pic which is weird lookin too. Get some new seeds man , no offense or nothing my first grow was lame too, buncha hermis.
okay okay but again how do u tell if its hermie or not, cuz i no some have no "balls" right now....but i dont wnat them fucking up the ladies. should i pull the ones that DEFFIENTLY have "balls" Advice please


Well-Known Member
pull the ones that have balls on them and try making some hash oil out of them for they are no good to smoke
okay i feel that... its just such a bummer workin so hard to turn out male =( i new it was gonna have tho but hey i had to keep my fingers crossed. I think im gonna move the one with the balls on it today, bc its forsure male. I plan on just putting it outside and hope for the best....the light seasons all fucked right now so i dunno how its gonna react but you say make cook with it or make hast oil out the male. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? WHAT DO I DO? cuz my connect right now has probably an oz of clippings n wants to give em to me to make some butter. so i would want to wait for the male to get done. but i dont undestand how to extract it from a full plant?
HOW LONG BEFOR POLLON SACKS WILL OPEN AND FUCK MY FEMALES UP? PLEASE RESPOND... im not sure if i have males, hermeris, both, females, shit

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
definately a male in one photo and looks to be a hermie in another.I would gettem out if thats all the trees you have growin.You dont really want to pollinate the only females you have left, unless you know what strain it is and it is worth saving.............just the way the cards go on the table sometimes if you are workin with bagseed..........Just remeber you will have something to harvest, all is not lost.So life is good.


Well-Known Member
it's simple. Kill everything with a ball on the end of a stick. Do not bother using it for anything either.

They SHOULD'VE been killed a long time ago.
okay so this is my update please read!!!

I Think 2/7 of my babies are MALES!!! someone please inspect these pics and let me know what yall think. i put them under my hps 1/9 so ya. its just hard im a first time grower and these colas look so amazing to be on male plants but i have read that is usually how it is. i think the two with my hard under them are males PLZZ SOMEONE GIVE ME THER OPINION!!!!!
