Are these Plants Hermie? Pics Included.


Hey there and thanks for your time on looking at this post. All replies much appreciated :)

First off this is my very first grow, and since starting a few months have acquired more equipement and amazing knowledge thanks to this site.

These plants are about 75 days into flowering and are all grown from G-13 Haze fem seeds. They are pretty much coming out next week.

I have put these ladies through hell, sometimes intentianally, and well sometimes not. I wanted to try different things (since this was my first grow) to determine how much they can take and what not to do in the future.

Now my question is, I know that light stress can turn them hermie, but I was wondering can other things do the same. Like too much heat or giving them too much nutes?

Should I pull them now or what for amber trichs?

And can I salvage these, I have cut open those lil sacks and found no seeds. Is there anything else I can do to determine if these are hermie?

If you need more information or more/better pics just let me know.




Well-Known Member
I don't see any male flowers, calyxes look swollen but if there is no seeds the no worries.

Leave it seeing its coming out next week.. And don't listen to the comment above me. It is not dying and don't worry about the ph....

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
The pics aren't the greatest, but it does look like they Hermed on you. Need better close up shots to see for sure. Don't take offense to this, but your plants look extremely stressed.


PH is always at 6.4-6.5. Since I bought an all-in-one meter a couple weeks ago :) As for nutes I'm flusing them since it's in their last 2 weeks.

What causes them to swell up like that? As well as, how can I make sure they aren't 100% hermie? What am I looking for in a male flower?

Sorry still learning guys.


Ya they are crazy stressed :S, burnt them up pretty bad with nutes a couple weeks ago. Was thinking they were defeincy rather than burning them. Rookie mistake now learned from.

What close up would you like to see?


So lastly, should I pull them now? Or wait for amber trichs? As well as can they still be smoked? :( very upset atm =...4 months man for this to happen...


Well-Known Member
The male plant has nuts looks like a banana cluster...heat will cause stress and a plant to hermy if u don't see Any seeds I wouldn't worry to much a bout it they do look heat stressf though I'd flush em then chop lower the temps if you can over feeding will cause the leafs to burn they will turn brown and crispy


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

And can I salvage these, I have cut open those lil sacks and found no seeds. Is there anything else I can do to determine if these are hermie?
I think learning from your grow is a very good thing. I'm doing the same thing, torturing plants and learning. If this is for your own personal stash I wouldn't stress about seeds. Just groom them out when you get ready to smoke if the plant has produced any. I wouldn't cut early because of them but that's my personal feelings.

One thing I would do after you finish growing is to clean every surface for pollen just in case.

If you are growing for sale then you should immediately pull any questionable plant and have a quarantine area setup or simply trash it. Oh and before moving something you think may have hermed put a bag over it so you don't accidently set the pollen loose everywhere.


So went through them pretty good, found no nadders or seeds. Is it possible that they are just stressed out, and can they herm without producing pollen?


VIOLA! After much reading, I found a great section on Hermies. For anyone that would care to find out what I believe the end result is. :)

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female marijuana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

I have noticed this happening in just the last week or so, so that makes me happy to hear.

Thanks for all the feed back guys, if I find any seeds I'll surely let ya know!


Active Member
VIOLA! After much reading, I found a great section on Hermies. For anyone that would care to find out what I believe the end result is. :)

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female marijuana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

I have noticed this happening in just the last week or so, so that makes me happy to hear.

Thanks for all the feed back guys, if I find any seeds I'll surely let ya know!
There ya go! You answered your own question. Nice one.

It's common for this to happen to either feminized or regular seeds that have been selected for their femininity. It's a self-preservation attempt by the plant - it's trying to reproduce and it senses there are no males present - no males, no jiggy jiggy, no seeds - and that's the end of the line for that which wishes to continue its an effort to continue the blood-line, as it were, ladies will produce their own male flowers.

However - your plants are looking stressed - but look on the bright side - you've learned loads and it could have been much worse - they could be dead. Do what you can to reduce temps and increase air flow - and let them run their full course. Onwards!


Ya they have tons of air flow, 4 fans in there, with great exhaust and intake. The heat however I will be fixing once these ladies come down. I'm in an attic so heat will be hard to reduce, I have the lights air cooled but still...any suggestions?

As well as what if they produce lil undeveloped white seeds? What does that mean?


Active Member
Ya they have tons of air flow, 4 fans in there, with great exhaust and intake. The heat however I will be fixing once these ladies come down. I'm in an attic so heat will be hard to reduce, I have the lights air cooled but still...any suggestions?

As well as what if they produce lil undeveloped white seeds? What does that mean?
Hi. On the heat issue....that's a tricksy one, all I can say is make sure you're well insulated in the IR dept and air con unit maybe (dear to run though....)

Little white underdeveloped seeds mean just that. You've had a male flower in there, at least one, that's opened and spread its pollen about. The pollen from the male flower gets onto the pistil of the female (the white hairs on the female plant) and way-hay! That's sex.
The seeds are the offspring. I reckon they're undeveloped because the plant has a way to go yet. Have a look and see if you can find a fully developed, open male flower - they're greenish white and hang down on little racemes (that's horti babble for type of stem) and grow from the same junctions as the female flowers - have a look and let us know when you find it/them. The pollen is a sort of yellowy white powder - if a male or two has ditched its load, which it has, you should be able to see the deposit below the flower