Are these pots as good as hydro?

RLT Foundation

Active Member
OK, I came across what seems to be some cool shit, Plant Minder pots by rubbermaid. Plant Minder is a pot that has a built in hydro system. There are two pots, a smaller one that holds the plant has a felt strip that runs across the bottom of the pot. Now this strip of felt hangs from the bottom of the pot. This smaller pot is now placed in the larger pot, it is fitted so that the pot fits leaving some room at the bottom of the larger pot. This larger pot also has a floater that is used to measure water level. Once you place the smaller pot into the larger pot you can fill the larger pot with water through a spout that the floater will project through if water level is full.

The felt pad hangs through the larger into the water and absorbs the water and nutrients (I think the nutrients).

Which leads to my question.

Will these pots absorb all the nutrients used to grow good plant through the felt strips?

Will the felt strips work to grow good plant?

Anyone with pics?

I appreciate all your comments,


Well-Known Member
Interesting pot. Sounds like it uses a wick system to keep the soil moist. I wouldn't mind giving one a try just for shits and giggles.