Are these ready for harvest??

Howdy folks, first time grower. If you wouldn't mind, please take a look and let me know how close to harvest I am. I have gone through the tutorial but I am not too confident about making the final call on my own. I am embarrassed to ask but could you also identify which plant is the indica and which one is the sativa? I think I have been thinking the opposite.

My wife took these cool pics to upload!

Thanks for any feedback.


Well-Known Member
Short stalky bushy thick leaves= INDICA
Tall skinny thin leaves= SATIVA

*And the ONLY true way to tell if you are ready for harvest is to buy a little hand held magnafinglass(30x is good)to look at the buds up close and look at the tric's on the buds...if 1/3 of the clear tric's on your buds are a amber color then it is time to harvest...


Well-Known Member
it looks like you have a bit to go yet, you need to buy a cheapo microscope or jewelers loupe to check trichs
hey guys it may just be my imagination but in the first 2 pics are they a shitload of bannanas around his plant?? like a hermie?
sorry for half hijacking your thread but im in my first grow and curious as what to look for for hermies


yeah it looks Hermied, but not too bad. and it only looks like that first nug's a hermie.
yeah "Hermied" is pretty bad, that means its got both male and female organs. which can result in self-pollinating,which makes seeds :(
its gotta be either bad genetics, low light levels, or too much stress.
i just pick the yellow sacks off if I see them starting to form.Straight neutering that bitch!lol
its fine though, just let the plant kick-it :)
I am guessing you can still smoke it? Is it about ready to harvest? I have a small grow box and all my other plants are in there. I just moved them from my nursery to the box and 12/12 lighting. Are these guys screwed now, will this hermie pollinate the others?

Thanks for everyones feedback. Its crazy how much you learn on here.
Sorry, You already said it could pollinate the others, I guess what I am asking is if this is close enough should I harvest it and clean the box. The other plants are not showing sex yet and have only been in there for 3 days. Will I need to clean the box?
if the females have hairs..they can be polinated....not bad???? really looks like a shitload of bannana's...may already be to late....pull your hermie...wash the walls....may have a few seeds in the next batch...if you can see hairs....if not, you should be 2 cents


Well-Known Member
if the new plants arent flowering yet then your ok, I would still clean the box very well though, I dont think it should cause you problems. You can smoke a hermie, sure, just hope you dont have tons of lil seeds starting to form, if so i'd make it into some good ol hash.