Are These ready To Harvest?


Active Member
Please check the latest bud shots in my gallary....I know color is important but don't have access to a magnifyin glass....First Gals buds most of the white stalky things are brown...white stalky things are 50% rust colored on the second gal, Thanks for your help! Somethin tells me they might be ready,,,,,,:confused:

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
To me it looks like it is small. The hairs look red but that could be from many things. How many days have you been flowering? I think I would let them go a while longer. Can you take a picture from the side of the stalk?


Active Member
these were from bag seed ........buds have been out for about a month,,,,,,haven't seen much growth in the buds......plants are 3 to 4 foot high


Active Member
hello m8 4 weeks it takes about 8 weeks m8 :joint:ps if you live in uk get them from out side the frost will kill them get a bulb on them m8


Active Member
hi from what i saw in yer pics i would leave them for at least another month depending where you live. if you live in a cold climate like i do be carefull :cry: you could loose yer crop. mine grew to 5 ft. just yanked them out this week cause of all the cold n rain we've been getting in montreal


Active Member
Well it got very cold the last 2 nights....don't think it got down to freezing but pretty close.....My one smaller gal is not lookin too well....leaves are purple! The other larger gal looks ok...I'll put a pic of my sickly one .....tell me what you think...should I pull her?


Active Member
If you need to leave them out longer, cover them at night with trash bags to keep the frost off of them. This will give you a couple more weeks hopefully unless the temps take a real nose dive.