Are these runts?


Well-Known Member
When it comes to growing somethings are just outta your control they may just be lagging behind. After 14 days give them very small amount of nutes primary N, or better yet use a little dolomite when you transplant. Or just continue on your call my friend.


Well-Known Member
sometimes the runty ones are the killer pheno. u never know til u try. but generally if I pop a pack I'll just keep the healthiest few and toss the rest especially if they are fems.


Well-Known Member
First grow. 8 day old Trainwreck seedlings coming along. Two look great, but the other two look kinda dorky. I’m talking about the two weirdos in the back row. Any thoughts?
Got a long way would be my thoughts lol don’t over think it they are fine


Well-Known Member
I thought you were asking if we knew the strain you were growing based off a pic lmfao