Are these spider mite eggs? Microscope pics..

Hello all,

I thought I was deadling with thrips but do these look like spider mites. One is pic is from the front the other the back of the leaf. If these are spider mite eggs then they are on almost every leaf but where there are the most eggs there is the most damage.

I have not seen any webs or any spider mites. These pics are from one of the worst leaves

Here is pic from google of spider mite eggs

thank you all



Active Member
Looks like trichromes. As for the leaf looking like that, well it's damaged, but not by small insects. Nute prob. of some kind? those microscope pics look a lot like baby trichs...
Thanks for the reply, It looksl just like the pic!! THis is a fan leaf. I am in 100% canna coco 25 days into veg with huge bushes. I should be giving them 1000ppm but I am only doing 700 becuase I thought it was burn..

Idk what to do anymore ha

ANy one else care to comment? It looks so much like the picture tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
spidermites leaves alot of white stippling on the leaves

if you have spidermites (not saying you do) this is a nice guide:

how far along are the plants? could it be trichomes forming at all? very hard to tell on the pics tbh..
but so many eggs and you cannot spot any mites sounds odd in that case..

leaf looks like some nute burn alittle but the leaf finger to the far right almost looks like there is a trail from a leaf miner.. but this is indoor grow right? they usually only come outdoors.. man i dont know...


Active Member
Rarely will you find spider mite eggs w/o spider mites present. Webbing typically forms when the population of mites is large enough where they colonize and spin a web farm. You will also see small black fecal matter near where they live, and the tell tell signs of small yellow dots where they puncture the leaf to feed (think speckled candy easter eggs).

Your pictures look like underdeveloped trichomes. If you are not seeing actual mites, my guess is that this is what it is.
Thank you very much everyone, I am indoors about 1 month into veg. I have been using neem oil bi-weekly since I started to see some fungus gnats. That was 3 weeks ago Ive since killed the gnats.

I have had some nute damage so..I just cant explain the brown spots on my leaves. It looks like ph but then I think its thrips so I dont know!

I will get some more pics up later after work, thank you every one again.

Anyone else?


Thank you very much everyone, I am indoors about 1 month into veg. I have been using neem oil bi-weekly since I started to see some fungus gnats. That was 3 weeks ago Ive since killed the gnats.

I have had some nute damage so..I just cant explain the brown spots on my leaves. It looks like ph but then I think its thrips so I dont know!

I will get some more pics up later after work, thank you every one again.

Anyone else?
Thanks for posting the micro pics. Spider mite eggs and tricomes on vegging leaves undersides look a lot alike !
I too was looking at back side of leaves and saw these "eggs" . I do not have mites and the grow room plant with the most of these 'eggs' is an older (2 month) plant. Some are clear and others are white. The younger plants also have some 'eggs' but not as much. Wonder why this discussion hasn't cropped up before.

Question : How can I take pictures in micro mode - what was used ?


Well-Known Member
Give em a good coat of neem oil and problem solved if there is one and if not no harm done. You're out 8 bucks and an hour
I too have seen these "eggs" on my fan leaves. The plants aren't showing any signs of pest damage and there a little over a month into flower. The color ranges from clearish to milky white but no signs of fecal matter or damage. I have been feeding snowstorm ultra and rock resinate. Could these just be trichs forming on the underside of the leaves from the additives? Or is it spidermite eggs? I have to use a 40x scope to see the eggs. Any reply or link would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey as far as your ppm being low, every strain is different and even varies based on environment. If that's on an older, lower leaf then it might be from a ph issue and just expressing it now, that's what I think. Looks a lot like some of the lower sets of leaves on my bagseedlings, and that was from not calibrating my ph meter and watering them with ph6.7+ water for the first three weeks of their life. I haven't had to deal with any pests so I can't help you there.


Well-Known Member
Trichomes are evenly spaced, mite eggs are not. I just looked at a damaged leaf under micro and I see no life after using neem and soap but the leaf is covered with little circles. I do not see any globes like those pics. I have been using hyd. Peroxide as well spraying the soil and plants. It is good for molds as well.j