Are these spider mites?


I noticed black spots under a lead on one of my outdoor plants. I snipped the leaf and took some pictures with a macro lense.
The black dots aren't moving, I've stared for a while. I also treated with neem oil last night and a few days prior, so I'm thinking it could be dead mites. I also just noticed a small white spider, and actually witnessed it eating a small green aphid. That tells me it's obviously not a mite.So I'm also thinking it could be eggs from the white spider...
First grow. About 3weeks into flower, and all my plants are autos.
Some stringy webbing in random areas of the plant, but when I saw the white spider eat the apdid, he left behind a whole bunch of web. So that could explain the webbing.
Does anybody have any ideas as to what this could be? It would be much appreciated!!!

You gotta really good camera.

Oh wait nevermind.. There's a microfolk
I'm sorry, what?
This was a while ago before preventitive measures were in place for pest control, and I was more worried. I think it was just poop from an aphid or something.
I've gotten a jewelers loupe since this post and can't see any mites, though if I don't treat my plants for several days I'll notice a little webbing on my tomato cages. I think that's just from garden spiders though because after close examination of the undersides of the leaves with 60x zoom, I haven't found any mites.
I'm sorry, what?
This was a while ago before preventitive measures were in place for pest control, and I was more worried. I think it was just poop from an aphid or something.
I've gotten a jewelers loupe since this post and can't see any mites, though if I don't treat my plants for several days I'll notice a little webbing on my tomato cages. I think that's just from garden spiders though because after close examination of the undersides of the leaves with 60x zoom, I haven't found any mites.
You sound like a hypocrite. I would make things right on that, if I were You...
You sound nervous, red AKA fake blue.

Well is there a way to delete a thread? This is no longer a problem therefore we don't need to be discussing it in this thread. Thanks.
There is no way to delete a thread on unless You talk to the mods...
to my knowledge. I could be wrong... However, I may just very well be right. ^

Colorado has recently been having a crack down on depots that are making their weed;
"extra crystally".

Who are YOU, Ceelo710 ?

This was a while ago before preventitive measures were in place for pest control, and I was more worried.
When was a while ago ??? ...
When rec weed got legalized in the USA?
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