are these the 1st signs of FEMALE PLANTS


Active Member
Yea bro she should be alright she looks pretty healthy other then that lil shit on the leaves just keep an eye on her check closely for bugs often but if its a bug problem you mite need to spray.


Active Member
By the way spgs904 just a suggestion you mite wanna just think about putting her outside in the sun chances are you will get more yield cfls are kool but theres nthing like natural sunlight..js..


Active Member
And if you do put it outside make sure not to put it directly in the sun until it gets youst to it sometimes growroom to outside sun can stress the plant out. Give it acoupla days in a shady sunny area before you transition it then you can put it fully in the sun.


Active Member
You can defenently get a nice lil yield off that ive grown short grandaddys one season and just cuz they were short does'nt mean that I did'nt yield some good quality smoke I tell ya..


Active Member
I bet you dont even know the diffrence between an Indica and a Sativa you cant even tell me the phenotype of your own plants dude you must be a fake ass wanna be grower. None of you guys have even said anything remotely close to grow knoweledge all I see is a bunch of know it alls with big mouths that love internet drama.