Are these the pre flowers?


Active Member
yes that looks like a female preflower in the second picture

first pic is difficult to see but it looks female too


Elite Rolling Society
I hope this helps you determine:

I am adding another pic to the collection.Male Female pics

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]hermaphrodite[/FONT]


Start of male:



Male preflowers :



Sponge Bob Square Pants lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.
How long into growth can you tell if a plant is male or female? Do you have to start the 12/12 cycle or can you tell before that?


Elite Rolling Society
How long into growth can you tell if a plant is male or female? Do you have to start the 12/12 cycle or can you tell before that?

Even different books say diffrent things, but I can tell you from BOOKS and experience. An ADULT PLant, a MATURE Plant can show sex and Pre- flowers after 4 and half weeks from germination.

When a plant is 5 weeks old, even if still under 24 hour light, it will show pre-flowers. NOT flowers, but pre-flowers. 12/12 forces flowering, even on immature plants. But flowering will begin when a plant becoems an adult.

Pot plants make perfectly opposing nodes, one leaf directly across from another until it is an adult. Then it will start making them staggered, or one leaf a little higher or lower than the opposing leaf. THEN it can show sex.
Even different books say diffrent things, but I can tell you from BOOKS and experience. An ADULT PLant, a MATURE Plant can show sex and Pre- flowers after 4 and half weeks from germination.

When a plant is 5 weeks old, even if still under 24 hour light, it will show pre-flowers. NOT flowers, but pre-flowers. 12/12 forces flowering, even on immature plants. But flowering will begin when a plant becoems an adult.

Pot plants make perfectly opposing nodes, one leaf directly across from another until it is an adult. Then it will start making them staggered, or one leaf a little higher or lower than the opposing leaf. THEN it can show sex.
Thank you for clarifying.