Are they done yet? First grow.


Active Member

My first grow and I think they're done or close to it. Any thoughts on the matter would be great. Thanks!


Active Member
Honestly I'm not very sure. They had a rough start and were planted outside probably late May or early June. They don't get optimal sun either. They live a hard life ha. Appreciate the comment. How long you think I got left?


Well-Known Member
upload a couple more pics with the full plant in view please. I see pistils still poppin which is a sign she is not done yet.


Active Member
Wait a bit longer. Hold off until almost all white hairs are amber color :) when that happens its usually time to cut them bitches down


Active Member
I'll try to post some full plant pictures as soon as I can. Again thanks for the comments. They'remuch appreciated .


Active Member
Have you been dusting your plants? I hope so because Pic4 has me worried. Anyways you've still got another 10-14 days.


Active Member
Have not b3n dusting and don't even know what that means. I'm assuming you're talking about something to do with the white on the leaves. Its been like that for a few weeks now. Not sure what it is?


Active Member
That's what I thought. That plant has mold, PM. Best to chop it now and thoroughly inspect your other plants carefully.


Active Member
Did a quick read on powdery mildew/mold. States I can treat the plant for this and from my understanding as long as I have no bud rot iIshould be good to let her go . Any opinions?


Did a quick read on powdery mildew/mold. States I can treat the plant for this and from my understanding as long as I have no bud rot iIshould be good to let her go . Any opinions?
look up jorge cervantes's powdery mildew wash on youtube. PM is not something you wanna inhale


Active Member
Alright so I'm going to let em go about another week. Treat the powdery mold and scary as the bath sounds, give em a bath before drying. Sound reasonable to everyone?