Are they done yet? What does "done" look like?

Somewhere in the world, a grower just harvested my CTF, this was his smoke report (in another forum),,,,,,,,,,

This CTF packs a punch..
It put just a little bit of the fear in me.. potency is all there though. It really came up on me after 20 minutes or so.

1 hr later:
That leveled out to a really nice balance of head and body high. The fear passed after a short while.

It's been a damn long time since I have saved a roach

So, does the CTF build up a tolerance?

I really like the smell too.. It's just a "weed" smell.. No fruit, roast, citrus, none of that.. just that skunky pungent weed smell.. I like that.

The high has this "excitement" element to it.. I am really curious which plant that came from..

It is sort of like the excitement or "something good is about to happen" thing that cocaine has.. But obviously, not like cocaine crazy stimulant.. but, that excitement piece is there..

Have you made a smoke report yourself by chance?
Recently, I had a visit from a member of my forum that lives in Oz. There were two other members that attended this gathering, so there were 4 growers smoking my gear. This is what I posted afterwards,,,,

Well the gathering is over and it was wonderful to get to meet Yarg and his wife

with 4 of us smoking we had a lovely salad which consisted of one joint each of
(and smoked in this order)

Colorado Thunderfuck
Durban Poison
Lil Bush
Holy Diver (the song was playing as we smoked it)

Door prizes were exchanged and a good time was had by all

I think I may have gotten Yarg high

But as always will let them tell it
Oh :(

I`ve really been after something that sticks me to the sofa, was hoping more amber was the key

I hear Harlequin is one of the best for couch lock ?

Yeah I`m trying to find the best strain for couch lock and the best strain for giving people the mad munchies

I`d also like to find the best strain for instant KO

Holy diver ? You have a Dio strain ? :) Jump jump!
and this is what RMM posted in response to mine,,,,

I'm doing great. I had a great time yesterday Rid, thanks for having us. I have written my reports on most of the strains we smoked yesterday already, I was waiting to hear from the others myself.

I hope they are all doing ok. I dropped off Yarg and his wife at the hotel around 5:30 last night.
I forgot my Koala bear! Damn it!

Despite the several joints we smoked, I could feel the effects of each one separately. They each added to the existing buzz and piled on top of it.
The Lil Bush and the Durban could be felt even after three previous joints. Everything you grow has no ceiling Rid! You can spark a new joint and feel the effects from that, even 15 minutes after smoking a previous strain.
My favorite is the Lil Bush and the CTF! Lil Bush still cuts and has a great sweet taste and smooth smoke! Probably my favorite of all of them for that reason.
Thanks again Rid!
I'm curios to see/smoke that TE you have coming.
Note: he said he had already done smoke reports on my gear, here they are ,,,,,,,,,,

Hello everyone,
I went an visited with Rid yesterday.
He introduced me to a few of the strains he has created.
The first thing we smoked was the Colorado Thunder Fuck.
We had around 1/2 a jay or less.
Rid is right!
There is no ceiling with this stuff!
It is smooth, great tasting weed!
We also smoked some Holy Diver and right before I left, I got a smooooooth bong rip of Wonderland.
All of his smoke has an earthy hash taste.
Like incense with floral undertones of coffee and spice.
What I find most impressive, is most of the buds I saw that he grows are reddish brown, loaded with well cured brown/red pistils everywhere.
I brought some green Crack and Kosher Kush.
My Green Crack looks like lime Jello compared to his reddish brown trich-laden buds.
Totally different look and taste.
He gave me a nice sample of this one he calls, "Little Bush".
It was a "one and done", since he has no seeds or clone.
I smoked this one when i got home last night.
I love this treasure and would have considered this an excellent strain!
Like I said, the four that I sampled all have a similar look, taste and bud density.
I will do a proper smoke report later this morning.
The labels rubbed off the bags, but I am a quick study and remembered and re-labeled them last night.
I also have some beans of Rid"s recent work...
Colorado Thunder Fuck (which just moved up the batting order to, "on deck"),
and several other great project beans.
Most of the seeds are connected by lineage and stages of crosses.
I want to grow the Holy Diver also.

Later tonight I am going to smoke the Namaste and give a proper report.
Thanks for having me over Rid, I will be doing some grow reports soon as well!

I smoked 1/2 jay of Green Crack on the way down to see Rid.
15 minutes after we smoked the CTF, I was listening to music, chilling on the couch and felt like the first "wake and bake" of the day.
Definitely a cutter that will stomp on anything else you already smoked!

My Green Crack is like a shiny sports-car.
It hauls ass, will get you there, but Rids smoke is like a slow creeping tank that will drive right over the top of that shiny car and crush it with old school steel! Holy Diver is very good also!
I couldn't stop at one hit.
I had four.
It gave me a couple real good expansive draws.
I got a little choked up when I got over ambitious.
The Hold Diver socks you between the eyes right away.
It has that light pressure you feel building behind your forehead.
It's almost like someone is inflating your head with fairy dust.
You feel it between the eyes right away, and then it gets a little more foggy.
Not a couchlocker though.
I am on my back porch on a beautiful sunny morn, and the colors and hues are so bright and purty!
I feel like when I smoke a good haze.
I have that light fog, but everything is bright and colorful.
Kind of an oxymoron...Bright fog.
I could do some fishing and hiking on this!

I hate smoking some heavy indica doms in the morning, it's those mornings when all your day plans get revised and changed to activities which require remote controls and sitting.

I have no munchies at all. Yesterday either.
If I start growing some of Rid's strains, Ben & Jerry's stock is going to go down.
I will say that I didn't have the urge to hit a fast food joint on the way home last night.
(Nothing wrong with a bowl of Crunchberries at midnight sometimes however)

Anyhow, back to the Holy Diver.
The taste is a nice smooth hashy taste, like the other three we smoked yesterday.
I noticed a little sweet floral undertone, like an old school skunk or Afghani in there somewhere.
I noticed Rid's buds have an oily, sticky tightness to them.
They break into smaller little hard calyxes filled with more hard little rocks.
I would recommend a grinder for these types.
You can break them and break them, but they just make smaller little hard goo balls.
You can get finger hash after cleaning a bud.

The Namaste is actually the prettiest IMO.
It has nice thumb size tootsie rolls of reddish brown goodness.
I haven't touched, smelled or smoked it yet.
It just looks real nice.

From what I have seen, Rid is very close to the taste, smell, buzz of what I remember
I have always felt some of the greatest highs I have experienced were of old landrace types like Columbian gold, Panama Red, Thai Sticks.
All of these are reddish brown, sticky, earthy tastes.
great work Rid.

My buddy came buy this morning and we smoked some Holy Diver.
he loved it and was pretty ripped. We tossed that bolo string game with the rungs on a ladder. I think some people call it ladder golf or something.
He kept fucking up the score and eventually just gave up.

I gave him a nice bud of the Namaste when he left this morning and called him an hour ago.
He actually said he smoked 1/2 a joint and put it down.
He said it was trippy, almost psychedelic and and used those words to describe it.
He said,"that was trippy, almost psychedelic man, it made my ears ring!"

That is what Rid has been refering to.

That's from a 60 year old hippy who doesn't own a computer or refer to mj as we do.
He wants to know when I am going to grow some!

I just smoked 1/2 jay of Namaste.
I smoked a joint yesterday, but was doing yard work, fishing, active most the day, so didn't give a fair assessment.
I just finished around six hits from a joint.
I felt it around the second hit, or two minutes in.
It's kind of a behind the head buzz.
It's not as visual as the Holy Diver, but more relaxing and calming.
The buds are beautiful!
They are reddish brown all the way through.
They crumble into little moist bits that smell of sandalwood and have an oily hashy feel to them.
I like the taste, look and smell of the Namaste the best.
I really love that Rid's buds all have that reddish brown all the way through.
Very well cured, dried, harvested.
The Lil Bush had more light colored almost golden buds. They were like little marbles of goodness.
The Namaste smokes like a dream (again I think that has to do with Rid's harvest/cure techniques).
It never goes out, and slowly smolders awaiting your next drag.
It will choke you up if you hit it hard.
It is the best tasting of the three IMO.
It has a good relaxing balanced buzz. I smoked it 15 minutes ago, and it's still creeping as I type.

Of all of Rid's I have smoked, I like them all for the following reasons..
CTF, because it was awesome and the buzz had legs.
Namaste for the tatse, smell, beauty all around.
Lil Bush for a serious cutter when you have been smoking other weed all day.
Holy Diver for a quick hard hitter that gives some bright colorful get up and do shit buzz.

That's how it worked for me.
I am going to drop a couple CTF Rid, I want to get that one going soon.
That 1/2 jay we first smoked was the best of all of them!
I would smoke all of them and be thrilled, I just like them in that order.
That Lil Bush was the shit Rid!
Here was what Yarg had to say shortly afterwards ,,,,,

First is thanks to all who came and showed hospitality. Honourable mentions for RMM for the return ticket to Rid's.
Second, Rid's weed IS Riddle-diculous I will say for me, hands down CTF walks away with the trophy. All of RM3's stuff is awesome, top ten stuff, up there or beyond most things I've tried but the CTF is another level - guess which joint the big guy hands me first, yup CTF.
Now let me tell you of a little lesson I learned at Casa Rid - others may not have noticed but I think Rid did as he was sitting next to me - I was serious about trying these buds so everytime the first 2 joints came by I would have 2,3 or 4 hits and pass it. Half way through the second joint (wonderland brown bush yum) I realised everyone else was having one puff and passing. Needless to say I was mangled by the first 2 And I think the CTF was still creeping as we smoked the wonderland, so not sure I know which of those did what but I smoked more CTF this morning and the shit is strong and somewhat visual, with light bending and shit moving around in the periphery of vision.
Durban was a Durban. A very good, very well done Durban that woke me up a little and made my eyes sting. Blinky as.
Got to take the wife out for some breakfast as she is dressed and waiting behind me, I'll get back to the rest later.
The 4th grower present was Juman and here was his response to Yargs post,,,,,,

Love the kick the CTF gives and had a blast smoking with everyone. With how many joints we smoked they started to blend together for me, not due to the highs being the same but just because I started to get really baked . I do distinctly remember the Durban being a pick-me-up with a nice taste and then lil bush came crashing through.

And yes Miyagi, after the 2nd or 3rd joint I was just doing a single puff and passing, gotta pace yourself at la casa de Rid! .
Another post from Yarg,

First, with all respect and honesty and not in the least a criticism... Riddleme's buds are NOT magical, mystical things that are better than anything you have ever come across. They are AS good or damn close to the best weed that people who remember the best weed have ever had though and for a lot of people who haven't had truly good pot it would blow away everything they know about weed.
I have smoked a lot of good buds in a lot of good places. It is also grown and cured to thehighest standard. I have known a lot of good and average growers and have grown a lot of weed myself and I like a lot of it but out of hundreds of strains sampled, I could easily choose a desert Island top 10 from the last decade and a half. Maybe a dozen, but no more have been outstanding and really impressive. Riddleme did not unseat them all but added to them and may have reshuffled the order.

The Durban was a great Durban. I have known the power of the Durban for a long time and he has some good shit there. It is a little too up and racy, eye stinging and overwhelming for many and has never been one of my favourite smokes but it makes a great change from time to time and is always a popular smoke. I have particular and sometimes peculiar tastes in my smoke and am one of the few who doesn't love that shit- some of the "best" I've ever had but not what I'm looking for in a smoke personally.

The PE- well again I have had the pleasure of PE on more than one occasion and it is always good-great. Rid yours was probably the best BUT like the Durban, it is not what my brain and body crave, so I'm not the best one to document it. It is nice and strong, gets me high and smokes easy. It smells and tastes like a skunk shat out mango and pineapple diarrhea