Are they done yet? What does "done" look like?

Hey and about the boiling the roots theory., Should i boil the roots 2 weeks before chop? And should i boil tye roots pouring boiling water in the medium or how?
Because i seriously been hearing this theory for quite a while now since hippies been using this method at harvest until new generation and i personally have never tried myself so i can express my opinion on tye subject., I dont like to talk about things i dont know..
That is what it does, all plants do it, tis science, when there is no O2 in the root zone (think floods) all plants ferment sugars into alcohol to survive

Once dry the bud will smoke as if it was in the jars for 7 to 10 days
Damn awesome!! I will def try this and report..
hey RM, sorry if I missed it....I looked on every page.....what are you using to take your photos in this thread?