Are they good??


Yeah the one in the brown pot has stretchd a bit and its just growing its second pair of leafs. And i wanna know when can i start lst


Well-Known Member
they look kinda small for a week old, but its not too bad, when you show us updated pics we'll be able to tell if its just a slow starter or if something is wrong.


Well-Known Member
yeaaaa.. i was gonna say the same thing... theyre a little small for 1 week old.. but not that bad.. they look pretty healthy.. and thats all that matters.. sometimes.. they just start slow.. and then.... outta nowhere.. they shoot up a few inches. lol.. you should deff put some new pics up tho... wanna see how its doin now.


Well-Known Member
its looking alright, i'd get some more light soon but i like to totally surround my plants with lights so you could probally wait a week or 2 to upgrade the lighting.