Are They Ready For Harvest?


I am ready for my first harvest, my question is, are the plants ready. I've read lots of info when to chop them, but it is my first grow and really would like some insighr as I am still trying to figure out hos visually judge this part.


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I would say you have a few weeks left. Here is the harvest info I share with new growers.

The signs of ripeness are pretty standard for cannabis plants.

First a few of the pistils begin turning color and start receding. Your plant is just starting to ripen. Depending on the strain you could still have two months to go. We're just starting this journey.

Two to four weeks later you'll notice that most of the pistils(>80%) have now changed color and curled back into the bud. It's frosty, way bigger than it was a few weeks ago(aren't you glad you waited), and smells dank! It's time, right? Not a chance killer. Patience is a virtue.

Over the next 2-3 weeks it doesn't look much different, maybe a little more swelling in the calyxes, and the rest of the pistils change over, but the stems are starting to bend under the weight of the buds. These ladies are putting on weight internally by adding density and now the buds are doing their final ripening.

Now you begin looking at trichomes, on the calyx, not the leaves, and harvest according to your preference. When looking at trichomes it’s essential to look at them from the side. The bulbous heads can magnify the opaque stalk under it. Looking from the side allows you to more accurately see the condition of the resin in the trichome head.

There is still no rush to harvest, the window just opened, and you have several weeks before you MIGHT start having to think about it possibly beginning to get too ripe. It takes WEEKS for plants to mature not days.

It is very easy to harvest a plant too early. It is very hard to harvest a plant too late. I’ve never seen someone accidentally wait too long.
I would say you have a few weeks left. Here is the harvest info I share with new growers.

The signs of ripeness are pretty standard for cannabis plants.

First a few of the pistils begin turning color and start receding. Your plant is just starting to ripen. Depending on the strain you could still have two months to go. We're just starting this journey.

Two to four weeks later you'll notice that most of the pistils(>80%) have now changed color and curled back into the bud. It's frosty, way bigger than it was a few weeks ago(aren't you glad you waited), and smells dank! It's time, right? Not a chance killer. Patience is a virtue.

Over the next 2-3 weeks it doesn't look much different, maybe a little more swelling in the calyxes, and the rest of the pistils change over, but the stems are starting to bend under the weight of the buds. These ladies are putting on weight internally by adding density and now the buds are doing their final ripening.

Now you begin looking at trichomes, on the calyx, not the leaves, and harvest according to your preference. When looking at trichomes it’s essential to look at them from the side. The bulbous heads can magnify the opaque stalk under it. Looking from the side allows you to more accurately see the condition of the resin in the trichome head.

There is still no rush to harvest, the window just opened, and you have several weeks before you MIGHT start having to think about it possibly beginning to get too ripe. It takes WEEKS for plants to mature not days.

It is very easy to harvest a plant too early. It is very hard to harvest a plant too late. I’ve never seen someone accidentally wait too long.
Thanks for the info, but idk dude, these plants are said to finish in 8-9 weeks since switching to 12/12 and I am in week 8 and some of rhem dont have any white pistils left on them, so now I"m hella confused
You got this. From here it is a quality creep. In 2 weeks you will liekly be so much happier with the harvest quality, but if you take them down now you would probably still get high. Just not for as long, or as multi-facetedly. If you are jonesing I would take a single branch off now. Then you'll have something to compare to later. Helps you figure out personal harvest preference.
Good luck regardless!
You got this. From here it is a quality creep. In 2 weeks you will liekly be so much happier with the harvest quality, but if you take them down now you would probably still get high. Just not for as long, or as multi-facetedly. If you are jonesing I would take a single branch off now. Then you'll have something to compare to later. Helps you figure out personal harvest preference.
Good luck regardless!
Thanks dude, I will wait for sure, yeah J already knocked one smaller branch from Gelato plant and 7 days later I smoked it and it got me super f high, I can imagine how steong it will be in the end
Thanks for the info, but idk dude, these plants are said to finish in 8-9 weeks since switching to 12/12 and I am in week 8 and some of rhem dont have any white pistils left on them, so now I"m hella confused

The timeframes that "breeders" post are 90% marketing. They are nothing more than a very loose estimate at best, and a flat-out lie is more common(to sell seeds).

When the plants finish is HEAVILY influenced by the growing conditions throughout their life and the genetics. It has nothing to do with an arbitrary date on a calendar, last I checked plants can't even read calendars. So watching the signs I posted in my last post for you IS HOW YOU TELL when they are ripe.
The timeframes that "breeders" post are 90% marketing. They are nothing more than a very loose estimate at best, and a flat-out lie is more common(to sell seeds).

When the plants finish is HEAVILY influenced by the growing conditions throughout their life and the genetics. It has nothing to do with an arbitrary date on a calendar, last I checked plants can't even read calendars. So watching the signs I posted in my last post for you IS HOW YOU TELL when they are ripe.
Thank you bud. I see what you mean, have samw strains in differenr stages when I look now more closely, some top colas are really brown while lower branches are still mostly white, thanks for guidance
Thanks for the info, but idk dude, these plants are said to finish in 8-9 weeks since switching to 12/12 and I am in week 8 and some of rhem dont have any white pistils left on them, so now I"m hella confused
Just remember that it's about experimentation turning into experience. Nobody can tell you what you like to smoke. Some like it amber, some like it light and just turning milky. Regardless of what advice you get, the best test for your buds is your different approaches and finding what works best for you. Harvest early sometimes. Harvest late sometimes. Try different techniques. You really can't get it wrong. Getting too technical can take the joy out of it. Just grow that stuff. Try it in a closet. Try it in a whole room. Build a greenhouse or fill a field with it. Try it all and enjoy the process. That's the best advice I can give. Cheers!