Are they ready to be put in the wild?


Well-Known Member
ok so wats up all my stoners? Ok so my question is are my plants ready to in the wild? i belive there about 3 weeks or more and i got these seeds from a bag seed. Ever since i planted these babies they have been outside in a littel bush in front of my back yard.........if u have any questions that i might have not stated and it might help me out then please ask i really need help.



Well-Known Member
last pics for the two plants.....look closley in the second pic that it is growing littel leafs in the sidewhile the other plants doesent have.....plz ask quetions if u want me to take better pictures in specific parts and any other helpful statements that will improve my first grow



Well-Known Member
ok so this is the third plant and i have had a lot of promblems with this one...if i only i dident transplant this one it woulduve been as big as there sisters........look closely in the picture and the root is ouitside the soil....any ideas in how i can i save this one........wen i go back to my secret hide out i will take pictures so that u can all see



Well-Known Member
more light to not be so stretched .. i have one REALLY stretched plant .. just cause it was left inside too long .. this plant is bent over so bad and cant support its own weight so i added more soil in the cup to make ssure it had less stem to bend over... but yours arent that bad lol