Are they ready??

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member

Did you buy your NL seeds from Nirvana? I just harvested my NL plants I bought from Nirvana while they had that big back order for a couple of months that had everyone pissed off. I had my system and the enviroment almost so perfect i was waiting for my plants to float on water. I shit you not, it took 15 weeks for them to fully mature. They were really slow at bud production, but the buds I finally got were the size of your arm. I figure I will have about 5 zips of brain numbing buds, and 2-3 zips of pop corn buds, which I will make bubble hash from. I started this plant in the flower cycle when it was about 14 inches tall, and so bushy you could hardly see any light threw it. When I harvested it, it was almost 6 1/2'. I kind of think Nirvana sent a different strain because they got tired of everyone complaining about the 10 week wait for the seeds. I almost cut this Bitch down 4 weeks ago because I needed the room for the 8 female plants I had vegging. As it is, these plants have been vegging now for 8 weeks, and have been chopped and topped, bent and twisted to keep down the heigth.

Those plants are not even close to full maturity. I say they have 4-5 weeks myself. Especially if you got those seeds from nirvana.

BAD NIRVANA!!!! BAD!!!!! :cuss:

Where did you get your seeds at?


Well-Known Member
a friend gave me a huge bag o' seeds. later i found out they were NL. they grew outside, gave them too much lovin and they midgetized. I got three goin now and i aint touchin them at all.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use the 9 days as It depends on your local humidity.Its cooler now so my humidity by me is up.trial on how many days you need start them out and just check them after a few days and see how they are


Active Member
Not even close to done I'd say even 2 weeks isnt enough 3 maybe 4 till they are completely ready. I know its hard to be patient trust me my purple/superskunk is about 6 days from finished and I have nothing to smoke and its so hard to not cut it but you've got to wait in order to get teh dankest hEaDy NuGz. Buds pack on the most weight in the last 2 weeks of flower in IME. Also to help increase weight and hardness of buds I have been having good success with using Gravity Flower Hardener. Beware though that stuff is super concentrated and will burn the fuck out of your plants if you over do it, I've been using it at half the concentration it says on the bottle during the last 3 weeks of flower and its working fantastic. Don't use it till the last 3 weeks of flower tho cuz it can force your buds to finish early and you may not yield quite as much(not sure tho I've only heard this).


Well-Known Member
Gather $10 and buy 60-100x magnifier from Radio Shack, then do some research on trichome colors and harvest accordingly.