are they ready?


Well-Known Member
2 are haze 1 and 1 is bublelicious. i have them under the t5 bulbs in the little tray covered.

here are pics, i am wondering if they are ready to come out and be directly under light and get some wind blowing on them from fans.


any help is appreciated!! thanks


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. The fans will b good for them. Help to develope nice strong stems to support your colas!


Well-Known Member
For a second I honestly thought you were asking if they were ready to harvest haha, yeah they'll do awesome under the big lights now.


Well-Known Member
If they are still within the propogator I would recommend hardening them off to the room you plan to put them in otherwise you might experience drooping initially while they adjust to the differences in RH between your prop and the room.

But yes they are ready.



In my experience seedlings don't need a dome at all, unless maybe you live somewhere it is extremely dry. The media just needs to be moist and warm enough.

Soon after sprouting I put my T5 a few inches away from the seedlings, with a fan on low circulating the air around them. Been doing clones lately though and those do need a dome and high humidity for several days until their roots start to form.


Well-Known Member
ok i took them out of the dome after i read all these and its been about 18 hours since they been out and this is what they are doing.


not sure why the tips of leaves are doing this? starting to almost look like they are burning off, and also curling a bit.


Active Member
They are burning dude you need to move the lights back and cool down the room.
Where are your lights and how strong are they?


He said in the first post he has a T5. Even if the T5 was an inch away from the bulbs it shouldn't burn the leaves, unless maybe you're in a 90 degree room... T5's don't get very hot. Leaves generally have to be in contact with the bulb for a few minutes or more to be burned by a fluorescent bulb.

Have you given them anything? What kind of soil\mix are they in? Seedlings don't need any fertilizer. In the first set of pictures you provided, I notice that the bottom leaves are already starting to brown and crisp... so this didn't just up and happen over the course of 18 hours due to you removing the dome (which seedlings don't need in the 1st place).


Also if you have a fan on, it shouldn't be too strong or blowing directly on the plants. Seems to me though that either your mix is too hot, or they were otherwise over-fed. Seedlings need water only- no nutrients for the first 2 or 3 weeks, at least.


Well-Known Member
They are in fox farm ocean forest with perlite mixed in.
Just under 4 t5 bulbs that are 3-4inches above the top of plants

The temperature is varying between 78-86 degrees

And im using just regular water and adjusting the ph of it


What are you adjusting the pH of it with? What water source are you using?

Even tho that seems a bit warm for beneath a T5 (it is summer after all), still not quite warm enough that heat would have any negative effect. Plus, inside of the dome with the lights on seems like it would even have been a bit warmer (due to the greenhouse effect).

Unless your water is shit, you used way too much pH adjuster, or you forgot about how you gave them something else (people often do, conveniently, or often it was just a 'little bit' of something that turned out to be a lot)... then the culprit more likely lies with the potting soil. Ocean Forest has a lot of nutrients (guano, fish emulsion, meals) in it already, and even though it is an all natural\organic mix these things can still burn very young plants.

Some people are going to tell you they have started seeds in OF and they did fine. Other people are going to say that OF burned their seedlings or very young clones. They are both probably right to some extent; batches of bagged soil might be inconsistent and, of course, strains are highly variable. I personally use SAM#4 for seedlings and clones, whenever possible (Happy Frog is fine), SAM#4 mixed with Ocean Forest for older plants (I amend this further).

Keep an eye on them. Water properly (when the cups are light), watering more isn't going to help any. However, misting the leaves periodically might help ease the nutrient burn. In this case, higher humidity could actually help, but still not over 70% RH.


Well-Known Member
Next time mix one bag OF, one bag of equal size HF and one bag 1/2 size of perlite. You'll be good with no nutes for the first 28 days. Bank it !!!