Are we allowed to P2P wax?

Now narcotics charges may not hold up in court under a high dollar defense lawyer when some one turns down the plea agreement but it is still a definite possibility. As such I personally think a high level of discretion is the smart thing at this time in AZ with regard to these products.

2. Arizona Criminal Law:
Arizona's criminal law refers to extracted and/or concentrated marijuana as "cannabis" and categorizes it as a "narcotic drug" instead of simply "marijuana".
A.R.S. 13-3401(20)(w) defines a narcotic drug, among other things, as "cannabis". Cannabis, in turn, is defined by A.R.S. 13-3401(4) as follows:
"Cannabis" means the following substances under whatever names they may be designated:
a. The resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin. Cannabis does not include oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any fiber, compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the mature stalks of such plant except the resin extracted from the stalks or any fiber, oil or cake or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination.
b. Every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol.
A.R.S. 13-3408 makes "possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation" of narcotic drugs (including cannabis) unlawful:
A. A person shall not knowingly:
1. Possess or use a narcotic drug.
2. Possess a narcotic drug for sale.
3. Possess equipment or chemicals, or both, for the purpose of manufacturing a narcotic drug.
4. Manufacture a narcotic drug.
5. Administer a narcotic drug to another person.
6. Obtain or procure the administration of a narcotic drug by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or subterfuge.
7. Transport for sale, import into this state, offer to transport for sale or import into this state, sell, transfer or offer to sell or transfer a narcotic drug.
Section B of that statute sets out the level of felony that a person is guilty of who violates one of the above:
B. A person who violates:
1. Subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section is guilty of a class 4 felony.
2. Subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
3. Subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section is guilty of a class 3 felony.
4. Subsection A, paragraph 4 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
5. Subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
6. Subsection A, paragraph 6 of this section is guilty of a class 3 felony.
7. Subsection A, paragraph 7 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
Well, I hope for Sheelahs sake she has an attorney with an IQ over 70, because those charges should be easy to beat. Especially since the AZDHS are issuing licenses for infusion kitchens. Prop 203 pretty clearly defines what you can do with the plant, IMO.

"when the marijuana plant is synthesized into oil part"... just lol
Now narcotics charges may not hold up in court under a high dollar defense lawyer when some one turns down the plea agreement but it is still a definite possibility. As such I personally think a high level of discretion is the smart thing at this time in AZ with regard to these products.

2. Arizona Criminal Law:
Arizona's criminal law refers to extracted and/or concentrated marijuana as "cannabis" and categorizes it as a "narcotic drug" instead of simply "marijuana".
A.R.S. 13-3401(20)(w) defines a narcotic drug, among other things, as "cannabis". Cannabis, in turn, is defined by A.R.S. 13-3401(4) as follows:
"Cannabis" means the following substances under whatever names they may be designated:
a. The resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin. Cannabis does not include oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any fiber, compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the mature stalks of such plant except the resin extracted from the stalks or any fiber, oil or cake or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination.
b. Every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol.
A.R.S. 13-3408 makes "possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation" of narcotic drugs (including cannabis) unlawful:
A. A person shall not knowingly:
1. Possess or use a narcotic drug.
2. Possess a narcotic drug for sale.
3. Possess equipment or chemicals, or both, for the purpose of manufacturing a narcotic drug.
4. Manufacture a narcotic drug.
5. Administer a narcotic drug to another person.
6. Obtain or procure the administration of a narcotic drug by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or subterfuge.
7. Transport for sale, import into this state, offer to transport for sale or import into this state, sell, transfer or offer to sell or transfer a narcotic drug.
Section B of that statute sets out the level of felony that a person is guilty of who violates one of the above:
B. A person who violates:
1. Subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section is guilty of a class 4 felony.
2. Subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
3. Subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section is guilty of a class 3 felony.
4. Subsection A, paragraph 4 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
5. Subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.
6. Subsection A, paragraph 6 of this section is guilty of a class 3 felony.
7. Subsection A, paragraph 7 of this section is guilty of a class 2 felony.

Yeah, well marijuana was illegal under AZ criminal law too. Then Prop 203 came along...
Yes but people are still getting arrested and still getting there property seized for extracts so discretion is best unless you have 10 grand ready to get the lawyer started. I also dont believe anyone charged under the cannabis laws
has ever gotten there siezed property returned and even soccer mom had her false arrest suit thrown out of court.. I would also love to see you fight it with some gimp ass public defender while the state puts up there top prosecutor..
Of course keep in mind if convicted of narcotic sales in trial its going to be prison not jail. Remember your fighting the Az good old boy network Apaio Horn Montgomery etc..
Prop 203 legalized mmj... extracts however are more of a grey area and this has not been sorted through the courts yet.
People say its legal but people keep getting arrested and keep getting there property seized..Houses cars grow equip etc..
and Last I heard she was using Mark Victor as attorney possibly a step above some of the other marijuana specialty lawyers such as Michael Waltz
and some of the other clowns advertising with Norml because they cant make it any other way but he wouldn't be my first choice.
She is also fighting separate forfeiture proceedings over this not sure but house cars and business assets I believe.
She also had to move fast because they shut off all water and electricity to the house do to the growing being deemed unsafe ( building inspectors, code enforcers etc)...
I know the dispensaries cant sell it, but can you patient to patient it under current law?

Just curious, I haven't done a good dab in about a month.

I've always understood the law to say concentrates are Okay.



Prop- 203

1) Registered patients are not able to receive compensation for MMJ, but can trade with other patients.

2) Caregivers can receive reimbursement only for ACTUAL costs only from its OWN registered patients.

3) Dispensary Agent can receive money from any patient or caregiver for reimbursement of production and service costs not to create profit.

As for purging, I don't see why someone who spends upwards of a grand on flowers cant spend $200 on a vacuum purge system. You can even make one out of a coffee can and hand pump.

Ether its BHO or ISO after purging there would be little to no trace chemicals. You can even make/buy one yourself and double check all your concentrates yourself.
Real deal vac purge setups are five bills and up.
Next step up are ovens....

I will challenge that.

Pump 6cf $125

Steel vaccume chamber with pressure gauge. $135


That's more than enough for personal use. Now if he wants to go industrial then yes a machine like this is too small.
i've never heard of a dry ice extractor, but i've used dry ice in a bucket with bubble bags to make dry sieve hash, works great!

thats what Ive heard about dry ice, maybe theres a different way i dont know about. The thing with extracts is you get some sort of solvent to dissolve the trichomes completely and drain all of that out. Liquid CO2 or liquid butane are the only ones I know
thats what Ive heard about dry ice, maybe theres a different way i dont know about. The thing with extracts is you get some sort of solvent to dissolve the trichomes completely and drain all of that out. Liquid CO2 or liquid butane are the only ones I know

Some interesting ideas on the idea of the method on wiki:

"Supercritical carbon dioxide is used as the extraction solvent for creation of essential oils and other herbal distillates. Its main advantages over solvents such as hexane and acetone in this process are that it is non-toxic and non-flammable. Furthermore, separation of the reaction components from the starting material is much simpler than with traditional organic solvents, merely by allowing it to evaporate into the air recycling it by condensation into a cold recovery vessel. Its advantage over steam distillation is that it is used at a lower temperature, which can separate the plant waxes from the oils.[SUP][3][/SUP]
In laboratories, supercritical carbon dioxide is used as an extraction solvent, e.g., in determination of Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons from soils, sediments, fly-ash, and other media,[SUP][4][/SUP]and determination of PAHs in soil and solid wastes.[SUP][5][/SUP] Supercritical fluid extraction has also been used in determination of hydrocarbon components in water.[SUP][6][/SUP]
Processes which use supercritical carbon dioxide to produce micro and nano scale particles, often for pharmaceutical uses, are currently being developed. The gas antisolvent process, rapid expansion of supercritical solutions, and supercritical antisolvent precipitation (as well as several related methods) have been shown to process a variety of substances into particles.[SUP][7]"

If I understand it would be more of an essential oil. I don't believe THC or any CB's are air soluble and can travel into another container without reaching their boiling point first; which would be destructive to those molecules. Anyone have any facts on this, I am officially interested. lol
Some interesting ideas on the idea of the method on wiki:

"Supercritical carbon dioxide is used as the extraction solvent for creation of essential oils and other herbal distillates. Its main advantages over solvents such as hexane and acetone in this process are that it is non-toxic and non-flammable. Furthermore, separation of the reaction components from the starting material is much simpler than with traditional organic solvents, merely by allowing it to evaporate into the air recycling it by condensation into a cold recovery vessel. Its advantage over steam distillation is that it is used at a lower temperature, which can separate the plant waxes from the oils.[SUP][3][/SUP]
In laboratories, supercritical carbon dioxide is used as an extraction solvent, e.g., in determination of Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons from soils, sediments, fly-ash, and other media,[SUP][4][/SUP]and determination of PAHs in soil and solid wastes.[SUP][5][/SUP] Supercritical fluid extraction has also been used in determination of hydrocarbon components in water.[SUP][6][/SUP]
Processes which use supercritical carbon dioxide to produce micro and nano scale particles, often for pharmaceutical uses, are currently being developed. The gas antisolvent process, rapid expansion of supercritical solutions, and supercritical antisolvent precipitation (as well as several related methods) have been shown to process a variety of substances into particles.[SUP][7]"

If I understand it would be more of an essential oil. I don't believe THC or any CB's are air soluble and can travel into another container without reaching their boiling point first; which would be destructive to those molecules. Anyone have any facts on this, I am officially interested. lol

Right there it says it is used for the recovery of hydrocarbons (oils / THC and CBs are hydrocarbons) It's not that they have to be air soluble, they become solute in the CO2 and separated from the material (sounds like they use a cold chamber to collect the remaining co2 / hydrocarbons afterwards)

There's a couple fancy words in there, but hash oil can definitely be extracted with Co2.... there were guys selling 80k set ups at the Cannabis Cup this last year
Right there it says it is used for the recovery of hydrocarbons (oils / THC and CBs are hydrocarbons) It's not that they have to be air soluble, they become solute in the CO2 and separated from the material (sounds like they use a cold chamber to collect the remaining co2 / hydrocarbons afterwards)

There's a couple fancy words in there, but hash oil can definitely be extracted with Co2.... there were guys selling 80k set ups at the Cannabis Cup this last year

And if it removes the wax too, that's got to be one amazing product. <3

80k, blows joe blow out of the water.

Looks cool though.
[video=youtube;CgFrAOe4ZgI];feature=share&amp;list=PL3DF34A44B 99559AC[/video]

Skunk has already written a report on it: