Are we close??


Active Member
okay, i'm a newbie and i'm nearing the end of my first grow. bagseed.. but i don't know if it's the right time to chop it up yet. I didn't know that you should date the time of first flowering so... i started to keep track a little late.

but so far, i've kept track for five weeks now and I think my plant is really at either week 7 or week 8. I want a "stoned" kind of high so do you think it is the right time to chop it up? the trichs are 95% cloudy 5%(or less) amber. any advice would be nice.

please and thank you.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a while left... But if your checking the trichs, just harvest at a higher amber to cloudy ratio..


Active Member
thanks for the advice. but what kind of ratio are we talking here? 50/50? 25/75 amber? i don't wanna wait too long and miss my window.

and the other thing, i don't use any types of fertilizer, so do you think it'll get any bigger than that? i know, it's pretty pathetic compared the monsters on here, but hey, i gotta start somewhere right? =/


Well-Known Member
its pretty good first grow
looks like some decent bud tbh
nutes always help but if you hvae a massive plant then you need lots and lots of lights to penetrate to the buds
so if you only have medium lighting then a smaller plant will be more efficient, well done