Are we screwed??


Well-Known Member
Hey there Colorado RIU, so we had an issue come up and we don't really know what to do about it if anything. So we are asking for guidance from you all. We flipped to flower on Thursday, we have been having some issues with our timers and CSU has been working on them. This morning we discovered that one light out if three, stayed on all night. Does this mean that everyone will herme? We don't really know, so any insight would be helpful. We do have buds already going, they started to flower on day 2 of 12/12. Thanks!


Active Member
I hate timers I thought I was smart and just changed the off time to midnight a couple of weeks ago so we could finish veg in the newly finished room. Well the dam timers won't just shut off on their own now and I have reset and reprogrammed them twice ohh we'll time to get more vigilant again.
Should we give the girls a day of off time or just roll with the 12/12 business as usual. I am thinking roll with it but anyone think differently?


Active Member
I bought a couple digital timers from harbor freight, they always have a 20% coupon, so were cheap. Just 1 day of 24 hours shouldn't hurt anything, might delay flowering by a day or 2, nothing serious. Flowering is triggered by darkness according to the books by Cervantes and Rosenthal. You need real black darkness for 12 straight hours to ensure good plant switch, some plants require only 9 or so, but everyone seems to agree that 12 is a for sure for all strains. Interrupting the dark period will delay flower.

When I install a timer I watch it work, not trusting anything electo-mechanical. The DST setting took some figuring out, I wound up turning it on because all it does is shift the 12 hours, not change the duration, and it lets me keep my human schedule to care for the grow.


Well-Known Member
i believe you should be fine friend, they may be slightly halted but nothing returning to the regiment wont fix. roll on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your responses we are moving forward, seems most everyone believes we will be fine. Thanks Colorado RIU!


Well-Known Member
The dom sex in all marihuana plants is hermie. The plant wants to seed itself no matter what. Genetics are a factor but stress is what really trggers it. The plant goes into survival mode and wants to produce seed. Blaming genetics 9 times out of ten is just a cop-out.


Well-Known Member
The dom sex in all marihuana plants is hermie. The plant wants to seed itself no matter what. Genetics are a factor but stress is what really trggers it. The plant goes into survival mode and wants to produce seed. Blaming genetics 9 times out of ten is just a cop-out.
Cop out for what? Been growing for almost 10 years now and have had exactly 1 plant hermie and there was zero stress in that particular grow. Since then I've had some pretty sloppy grows, including light leaks, high temps, etc. Guess what? No hermies. Nothing stresses a plant more than being attacked by mites or PM, show me the correlation between hermies and spider mite infestations, there is none.


Well-Known Member
First of all I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to pass on knowledge to those who willing to learn. I was unaware that growng for ten years you learn everything about The plant to me it's a constant learning experience but I guess if you're ok with a sloppy grow you're ok with mediocre knowledge.


Well-Known Member
First of all I'm not here to argue with you.
Ummm yes, thats exactly what you are doing.

I'm here to pass on knowledge to those who willing to learn.
The problem is your knowledge is incorrect.

I was unaware that growng for ten years you learn everything about The plant to me it's a constant learning experience but I guess if you're ok with a sloppy grow you're ok with mediocre knowledge.
My point was thousands of plants later, some with stressful conditions and one hermie and you reply like a 12 year old. Once again, show me the relation between a truly stressed plant and hermies. Do you seriously think turning on a light for a few minutes during the dark period of flowering is more stressful to a plant than mites? Have you ever heard anyone say mites will cause a plant to hermie?


Well-Known Member
First of all I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to pass on knowledge to those who willing to learn. I was unaware that growng for ten years you learn everything about The plant to me it's a constant learning experience but I guess if you're ok with a sloppy grow you're ok with mediocre knowledge.

You don't know him if you think he has sloppy grows with mediocre knowledge. Who are you again?


Well-Known Member
Can you guys not muck up this thread with the back and forth? Thanks! I appreciate everyone's input, but just like everything with this hobby there are lot's of opinion's on how to do thing's. I personally think you both are correct, IMO. If a plant has bad genetics, then any additional stressors can cause it to hermie. I also believe that as the plant matures in its life cycle, it will always try to continue its genetics by popping out a seed here or there. It is her last desperate attempt to continue its genetics. That is what I have come to believe after reading on this subject. Makes it rather hard on us newbies, having so many varied opinions that it is impossible to know where to start sometimes. Thanks again for the input.