Are we tricked about strains we grow?


Well-Known Member
So I have been looking at a lot of different pictures of people's plants and realized a lot of the pics do not match. I mean somebody will say they are growing white widow, post pics, but they look completely different than any other white widow pics I have seen. So the question is, when we are buying seeds from all these online places, can they be trusted?:confused:


Active Member
Yes man they can be trusted. You have to realize that a plant wil;l grow the way it grow due to its climat. You could have the worst weed in the world and the best and it could be the same strain just a dif. grower. You know what i mean. Its all about how you grow it


Well-Known Member
Makes me think of Grandma's Boy...."I don't give a fuck what it's called, just give me a bag of weed!"



Well-Known Member
Yea I'm usually pretty scepticle about some things like rare strains or things that just don't look right. I trust people like soma, and big seedbanks like them, but I dunno. It's sooo easy to take a random ass seed or clone and say it's one thing or another. I know my AK47 came from a mother grown using Serious Seed's AK47, though.


Well-Known Member
Ok ok here is how it is.....You can order 10 seeds of the same strain...grow them the same way...and you can potentially end up with 10 different looking/acting plants. There can be even more variance when different nutes/methods, etc. are used. So its not just how you grow it...its the genetics of each seed.