Are you a teabagger?

Are you a teabagger or what?

  • Yes I'm a teabagger

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • pretty far to the right

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Just a little to the right

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Naw, I just hate Obama

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • i'm just seeking attention

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
Hell yeah it's wrong, you should feel guilty for all the disadvantaged folk who don't have a fair chance.

BTW I voted for being a teabagger as I've actually done it before to someone else (woman)

LMFAO i thort this thred was about that kind of tea baggin as well but turns out it means summin else lol
A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future.
Look, I look forward to a better day as well. We libertarians just don't see govt. as providing that better day. Throughout history we see it time and again. Governments get to big, they become oppressive and evil. You give any one person, organization, or whatever that much power and problems aren't far behind. It saddens me that so many people are turning a blind eye to this. We all want the same things, we just don't agree on how we accomplish those things. In general, liberals see govt. as the solution. Conservatives see govt. as the problem in many cases. Liberals always like to say "We gave the private sector its chance to do the right thing and it hasn't worked." That's just not true. The relative few who took advantage of the system need to be prosecuted if they broke the law. If they worked within a system that was flawed and corrupt, maybe we need to fix that system instead of dumping the system in favor of a new one that is failing in many of the countries that have tried it. I know liberals always like to say that people in countries with socialized medicine love it. Again, I say bullshit. A lot of them hate it. Most of the people who love it haven't had to use it for anything serious. I've been to countries with socialized medicine and being in healthcare I've worked side by side with some of their professionals. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I wish more people would realize this. I guess my vision of a better day may be different than yours but I'm not some monster like many on the left like to portray. We both want the same things, we just don't agree how to get them. :weed:
the progressives agree they all want everything you earn. just give it to them then they will still say you are the evil rich and should give more.
rich to the progressives=middle class guy who works for a living.
i will never agree with a progressive they want everything i make and i dont want them to have one red cent.
they will get some tax out of me there is no way around it. but i will limit it to a very very min. untill the economy collapses or we are free.
these demons are pretty easy to kill .
all we have to do is stop paying them. it will force them to print more money to stay afloat . untill the money they print is worthless and its on its way to that right now.
there is no way the US economy can survive under this amount of debt that is being accumulated under the communists in charge. they have already bankrupted the country.
its just a little while longer before all the domino's fall,.
the progressives agree they all want everything you earn. just give it to them then they will still say you are the evil rich and should give more.
rich to the progressives=middle class guy who works for a living.
i will never agree with a progressive they want everything i make and i dont want them to have one red cent.
they will get some tax out of me there is no way around it. but i will limit it to a very very min. untill the economy collapses or we are free.
these demons are pretty easy to kill .
all we have to do is stop paying them. it will force them to print more money to stay afloat . untill the money they print is worthless and its on its way to that right now.
there is no way the US economy can survive under this amount of debt that is being accumulated under the communists in charge. they have already bankrupted the country.
its just a little while longer before all the domino's fall,.
I hope you're wrong but sadly, I'm afraid you may be right. :-(