Are you American? Well then how would you like an extra billion dollars in YOUR bank?

Its freekin terrible isn't it! :o

I mean, I understand those people to a degree, because well? I enjoy playing paintball my self! Lol, but? man! Far out! If we are to care for the world we live in? then we have some massive issues to deal with. Mainly the powers that already be!

I get the feeling that some, or many of the people who have power over the world and either very immature, irresponsible, psychotic, or have similarly undesirable character "traits".

Warriors are thrilled by war....what did you think? This is so much more honest than trying to say it is Glory.

"Nam is a dirty little, miserable, war but the only war we got."

Warriors you say? lol I could take on 300 of your warriors all on my own, yet, I am a peaceful person because I chose to be.

Doer, instead of labelling your country men as warriors, you may as well have just been honest and labelled them as "brainwashed machines programmed to fight", Because even a warrior is capable of thinking, and in such times that we live in now, fighting is not necessary or wanted. (unless of course you've been brainwashed to think otherwise!)


Well-Known Member
Its freekin terrible isn't it! :o

I mean, I understand those people to a degree, because well? I enjoy playing paintball my self! Lol, but? man! Far out! If we are to care for the world we live in? then we have some massive issues to deal with. Mainly the powers that already be!

I get the feeling that some, or many of the people who have power over the world and either very immature, irresponsible, psychotic, or have similarly undesirable character "traits".

Warriors you say? lol I could take on 300 of your warriors all on my own, yet, I am a peaceful person because I chose to be.

Doer, instead of labelling your country men as warriors, you may as well have just been honest and labelled them as "brainwashed machines programmed to fight", Because even a warrior is capable of thinking, and in such times that we live in now, fighting is not necessary or wanted. (unless of course you've been brainwashed to think otherwise!)
highlow you almost had something there, strengthen your own position. dont attack theirs.
I know what you mean man. being positive is a much better way to convince the right sort of people.

"Influence through positive examples".


New Member
I didn't even know it was illegal for them to do that. and the reason I didn't reply to your previous questions in this thread was because you were too rude for me to care - As I already said so before! I will try to give you a reply, but later! I misread your comment?... ok.. well the original question was "do you support terrorism". I'm going to skip this.Actually, considering the fact that civilians on the opposite side of the world to the USA are getting bombed to death by American drones, does in fact make it a clear cut question. It is perfectly BLACK AND WHITE. Sure, there are details, but the fact is that the US Government is basically a piece of trash which is currently (and has been throughout its existence) committing genocide and trying to cover it up. It doesn't get more black and white than that.
No it’s not. The devil is in the details and i will leave you to ponder why that is...

Its kind of like the instinct in most animals, the flight or fight reaction, You either fight, or you fly away, the point here is (in case you're confused as fuck) is that there is not THIRD option.
Is “it” [fight/flight] the instinct of animals or the instinct of “most animals”? either way it’s a piss poor analogy likening it to drone warfare.

You know how they say that there are many ways to skin a cat? well, bombing the shit out of half the Arab nations on earth is the dumbest way to skin a cat.
I am of the opinion that joining the army is stupid, but do you know what? Id join any army that aims to stop the USA, overthrow them, and put peace back on earth. Accomplishing peace isn't very hard in theory at all. All you have to do is make people happy.
I doubt you would as that would involve fighting under the flag of a country and we all know what you think of nationalism and patriotism unless you want to fight under the banner of the UN... Everything is easy in theory,

lol what? you think the chainsaw guy was a "stand out" incident? haha yea, so did fucking I dude.. So did I. I didn't see it reported in the news though, and I was shocked as fuck when I saw it happen only metre's away from me in the middle of the city.
I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that story, but it did happen!.. Also, its not like the guy actually attacked anyone with the chainsaw, he just took it out, started it, started walking towards some people who were shouting at him, He also shouted back at them, and he was just holding the saw up in the air like he was ready to use it or something.....
Again when and where did this happen? This why no one ever believes what you have to say is because you don’t back it up or provide anything but generalisations...

You don't live in the city, do you? if you don't then that's good.... those western cities are mostly kinda ugly anyway. Then again..... Lots of cities around the world don't exactly look nice.
What is it with you and ASSumptions? I’ve lived in city, country & coastal locations here and what do you mean by western cities?

Unverifiable, that's a good word. unverifiable doesn't mean untrue. And I don't just come here and tell bed time stories.
It seems to me that this is the case of: me having more fucked up experiences than you, and you feeling shock at such possibilities in the very country you live in (perhaps, or you're just a liar with no fucking tv, or you never watch the news, or something, Idk!?)
Anyway, I know exactly how it feels like to listen to someone say something which you just cannot believe. There is not much that I can really do to make you believe me. Although It is very weird that you say you live in Australia, yet you deny the things Iv said about the country? As I just said, I can only conclude that you're lying in order to defend your nations false reputation, or you just don't know! and you don't believe what you cannot fathom. Anyway, Australia already has a bit of a reputation for being racist!!!
What’s with you implying TV is the best place to get news? Honestly TV news is the most biased form of news media out there. You can’t get any more selective than picking and choosing what to show for 21mins out of half an hour. LOL racist polak says Australia has a racist reputation... The height of hypocrisy...

What are you saying Eche? Are you saying that you judge people based on where they are from?
Like you judging everyone on here from where they’re from? American, Australian etc...

So then, If you met a Polish person in real life, would you treat them like any other person, or would you automatically treat them the same way you have often treated me here on this forum?... huh, mentally sane guy? what do you say to that?
I treat everyone i meet the same until they give me a reason not to. Why wouldn’t anyone? I’ve met plenty of polish people and can say the experiences have not been good, bar one. I went to school with a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] generation Australian of polish decent; he was a cool bloke and an awesome guitarist just arrogant as all fuck – this would seem to be one trait the Poles have in common. I’ve actually worked with many people from Poland here on tourist visas and they’ve all been rude, arrogant and pretty much like you – they talk some whack shit and never miss a chance to exaggerate...
Hey eche..... I have a question for you...... I'm 26, how old are you? Because now that we've come back down, and managed to start talking somewhat more to the point (again)..... (with the help of sunni I think ;))
... We may as well be honest about our age... or something lol...... actually Im just curious as to how old you are... after all I already know ur 2nd generation - ya gyspy!, and you claim your know 3 languages! (seriously though, were you just exaggerating about the 3 languages or what?.... I know how to count to four in Maori, and I can still remember good parts of whole songs in the language.)

Anyway, Im 26, now all you guys can judge the hell out of me, right guys? judge me? :dunce:

Btw, yes I do talk allot of shit allot of the time, But even though I may talk allot of shit, that doesn't mean I talk shit all of the time, and believe me, You can trust that I try to be sincere, meaning that (eche) my opinion of australia is from personal experience, its legit, and the reason I shared it is because its the truth, and I thought it was important for people to know my experiences - Good or bad.
It is not my responsibility to shape the future of Australia, especially now that I do not live there.

Just look at this!!

This here map is pretty fucked up, BUT take notice of what it says on Australia!!!!! I'm just saying man.

Btw my heritage is from the part of the world were the Vikings lived ;)
LOL.... I think our definitions of "warrior" differ greatly... Don't write cheques you can't cash.

Okay obviously If i was to write that cheque ^ It would most probably bounce. However, If I wrote that cheque, one thing you might consider is that I am a fast runner. I'm fit.. and? yeh, who cares.

you sound 18 max. so you are a pretty immature 26 year old. Probably live at home. Whats your weekly allowance?

I sound 18 max? that does not bother me. In fact the reason I may often sound less mature than I really am, is because I often reply to the cunts who always pester me, and therefore I lower my self to their lowlyness. Do you understand what I am saying, cheetoes?
I adapt to their ways... and actually that is a fault of mine... However I hate ignoring people.

And I actually do have an allowance, but I wont tell you how much it is... What's yours? :mrgreen:


New Member
Hey eche..... I have a question for you...... I'm 26, how old are you? Because now that we've come back down, and managed to start talking somewhat more to the point (again)..... (with the help of sunni I think ) ... We may as well be honest about our age... or something lol...... actually Im just curious as to how old you are... after all I already know ur 2nd generation - ya gyspy!, and you claim your know 3 languages! (seriously though, were you just exaggerating about the 3 languages or what?.... I know how to count to four in Maori, and I can still remember good parts of whole songs in the language.)
I’m 30 and don’t confuse Australia with New Zealand. Yep three languages; being 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] generation and all, English wasn’t my parents first language nor my grandparents who made the choice to migrate here.

Btw, yes I do talk allot of shit allot of the time, But even though I may talk allot of shit, that doesn't mean I talk shit all of the time, and believe me, You can trust that I try to be sincere,
Do you want to re-read the above? I don’t even know what to say to that only that you don’t act like a 26 year old and it sounds retarded...

meaning that (eche) my opinion of australia is from personal experience, its legit, and the reason I shared it is because its the truth, and I thought it was important for people to know my experiences - Good or bad.
Then be honest about when and where the things you claim to have happened occurred. I mean shit, all the generalisations and tabloid garbage you post doesn’t help your credibility

It is not my responsibility to shape the future of Australia, especially now that I do not live there. This here map is pretty fucked up, BUT take notice of what it says on Australia!!!!! I'm just saying man.
It wasn’t your responsibility in the first place and a comical map missing half the worlds countries is just downright retarded and on serves to reinforce the fact you actually see the world like that...


New Member
Okay obviously If i was to write that cheque ^ It would most probably bounce. However, If I wrote that cheque, one thing you might consider is that I am a fast runner. I'm fit.. and? yeh, who cares.
You know the best of the US' warriors will out think you, before they kill you... They are masters at exploiting the "kill chain"...


Well-Known Member
I never got an allowance. Im 36 and certainly dont have one now.
well TBH I put a couple hundred per paycheck into my personal account to spend on dumb stuff so my wife doesnt have to see how much i waste on crap.
the best my parents did was make me a deal where anything I wanted as a kid I would have to come up with half the money. I mowed lawns, sold lemonade and picked up sticks for my money. Then at 14 I got a job. been working ever since. well other than that short stint in prison.
I don’t even know what to say to that only that you don’t act like a 26 year old and it sounds retarded...

me said:
Btw, yes I do talk allot of shit allot of the time, But even though I may talk allot of shit, that doesn't mean I talk shit all of the time, and believe me, You can trust that I try to be sincere,

eche said:
Do you want to re-read the above? I don’t even know what to say to that only that you don’t act like a 26 year old and it sounds retarded...
Re-read? ok... I talk allot of shit (check) nevertheless, I don't talk shit all of the time (check) I try to be sincere (Check)
Alright fuck it, none of us are perfect (except for me, because a perfect person is not perfect!)

Then be honest about when and where the things you claim to have happened occurred. I mean shit, all the generalisations and tabloid garbage you post doesn’t help your credibility
Aight no problem. I understand. Lots of the stuff I said, I only saw on the tv. Like the gold coast corruption case with the cops and the fucking raids.
The chainsaw guy though!! fucking dude was high on P, (Ice) I swear. (or he was not high, maybe he was crashing.)

When I lived in Australia, I live in a place called West end. And honestly I REALLY liked the place. It was across the river from the city centre, YET it had a "Hippy beach" sort of feel to it, and a weed community vibe.
Anyway, the whole world is fucked up, Poland is fucked up too and the last time I read, there were 10 Million Polish people on earth who were NOT living in Poland, because they got the fuck out of that war strucken country.

The topic is about? fucking? Usa and the bullshit that goes on. about a month ago Egypt had ANOTHER revolution.. and well? I honestly am not in the mood to go googling up shit on the topic....

I WILL however look into your previous post which you wanted me to answer.. Still! Ill look that up later... Shit, maybe if you know the answers, you could just straight up post the details. You know more than me man.

And yes... that map, As I had recognised before, is a dumb map - BUT the point here is that even on the dumb map, the land down under has been labelled "that way". They could have fucking put "kangaroo's!" or something else. Desert? Crocodile hunter?
I never got an allowance. Im 36 and certainly dont have one now.
well TBH I put a couple hundred per paycheck into my personal account to spend on dumb stuff so my wife doesnt have to see how much i waste on crap.
the best my parents did was make me a deal where anything I wanted as a kid I would have to come up with half the money. I mowed lawns, sold lemonade and picked up sticks for my money. Then at 14 I got a job. been working ever since. well other than that short stint in prison.

Well its good we're able to discuss how fucked up our lives may not have necessarily been.
My parents weren't rich and allowance for me didn't come till my teens, but even then.. lol, nvm.


Well-Known Member
You know the best of the US' warriors will out think you, before they kill you... They are masters at exploiting the "kill chain"...
Kill box. Ambuscade, Enfilade, Hammer and Anvil, Find fix and kill.

But, always the best is the Master, Sun Tsu.

To a surrounded enemy you must leave a way of escape. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. c.400-320 b.c.

Ever ponder that? It means you don't want your enemy in a fight to their deaths. You want indecision in the Commander. You want thoughts distracted, then clamoring, for escape. You want the Commander to think about Plan B. You want there to be only that escape for plan B, no C.

And after your enemy has scouted the escape, you set up your kill box.

So, you can run to and hide in the kill box.

Take, for instance, the "Highway of Death" in Iraq.

Something the A-10s spotted? That, is the official story.

But, a Schwarzkopf Kill Box, in fact.

There is a movie...Last of the Mohican's.....

The parole from Fort Henry at the end of the siege? Plausible deniabity for the French Commander.

Kill box for his Indian allies.

Someone said he was disgusted that Warriors are not disgusted by war. Oh. but....They Are!

Never think there is Glory in War. But, there is adrenalin in the lost art of shooting. You will most likely not get shot. War is not even about killing. But, if you are wounded, you are very likely to get blown up in some way.

War is about causing destruction and blowing things up. The enemy attempts to prevent that.
War is about causing destruction and blowing things up. The enemy attempts to prevent that.
Sorry, it was a TL;DR situation, But I did read the last line... .........And I don't approve! :o wtf?

Fear of losing power, corrupts?... yea, maybe....

So? When the US Media scares its audience (you know what I'm talking about) Maybe the audience feels at ease, knowing that their nations army has bases scattered all around the world, with drones that can kill you if you decide to get your ass caught while devising a plan to blow up the white house.. And if you're an Arab. Also, if your country is powerless to do anything about the fact that those terrorists send bomb dropping drones into your country.

Drones = the new Hitler :(
USA = the new Germany?

How else might we predict the future, doer?
.. what's next?

I Hope this wasn't a tl;dr post for you doer..... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can actually have a war where no one gets killed. The best wars are over before they begin and only a few are involved. The Velvet Revolution is a recent example. Clinton's ultimatum to the Haiti junta, is another.

But, here is a primer on how the USA manages conflict in the Mid-east, for example. Egypt, right now. The world thinks we are screwed up. We want that.

乱而取之 Feign disorder, and crush him.

卑则骄之 Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

怒而挠之 If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.(Hamas, Wahsabi, whoever)

是故勝兵先勝而後求戰 Victorious warriors win first and then go to war


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can actually have a war where no one gets killed. The best wars are over before they begin and only a few are involved. The Velvet Revolution is a recent example.

But, here is a primer on how the USA manages conflict in the Mid-east, for example. Egypt, right now. The world thinks we are screwed up. We want that.

乱而取之 Feign disorder, and crush him.

卑则骄之 Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

怒而挠之 If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.(Hamas, Wahsabi, whoever)

是故勝兵先勝而後求戰 Victorious warriors win first and then go to war

Art of war?