Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Are you better off than 4 years ago financially?

  • I am doing much better!

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • I am doing a little bit better.

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • About the same.

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Slightly worse off.

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • I am doing much worse!

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • I can't remember to be honest lol

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
If I told you all how much better it is for me 4 years later it would sound like I was bragging. Fuck yeah I'm voting for President Obama again.
I know its not really relevant to the president but people like to ask this question every 4 years and they like to make us think its relevant. I know we had this thread during the summer already but I don't think it had a poll.

So are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Please be honest.

Personally I am doing roughly 10 times better as far as financially. I know a lot of people aren't in the same boat but its really just my individual circumstance( I had a steady government contracted job but I lost it in 2010 due to loss of contract and changed careers completely). I just thought it might be fun to have a poll.

The thread title made me struggle with this but since you included the word "financially" in the POLL title, I had to vote much worse.
It was your choice to move to Mexico and live on 900 bucks a month and use facial hair covered prostitutes

LOL, I expected that.

"Better to remain silent and let others think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

btw, I thought you bid your tearful good byes a couple weeks ago? What happened, you get lost on the way to adulthood?
LOL, I expected that.

"Better to remain silent and let others think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

btw, I thought you bid your tearful good byes a couple weeks ago? What happened, you get lost on the way to adulthood?

Were you forced to retire and live on 900 a month in some shithole of a condo in mexico?
Yes or no?
Were you forced to retire and live on 900 a month in some shithole of a condo in mexico?
Yes or no?

What makes your life so much better than his?? Are you implying you are a better human being than him or are you just doing the usual attacks you would expect from adolescents??
What makes your life so much better than his?? Are you implying you are a better human being than him or are you just doing the usual attacks you would expect from adolescents??

Maybe becuase he whines about taxes and our country
yet his income matches what I pay in taxes and he lives in mexico?
i've been thinking of buying one of those treadmills with the adjustable incline, i'm getting fat... :(
Get one off Craig's list or similar. Exercise equipment in nearly new condition can be bought for next to nothing. People buy the stuff brand new and then use it a couple of times before they start using it for a coat rack. Eventually they sell it just to get it out of the way. I bought a treadmill for my mother for $15.00 that the seller claimed they paid $250.00 and only used a couple of times. Of course, my mother only used it a couple of times before she parked on the back porch, to be forgotten.
Hell yes. I had unemployment and cobra insurance (thank you O'Bama) with a discount on the premiums (thank you O'Bama) until I found a great job (thank you O'Bama) and now I have AFFORDABLE health insurance even with pre-existing conditions (thank you O'Bama). Damn straight I'm doing better than 4 years ago.
Unemployment and COBRA predated Obama. If you maintained COBRA as you claim, pre-existing conditions were covered anyway. Your post gives credit to Obama for stuff he didn't do.
so this is all based on a career?what about just being stable and truly happy?which most people are not! some of the happiest people i know come home every night from work stinking to high heaven!
Stinking of what? Pot? Sex? Liqueur? Is this your spouse? That would make me unhappy.
Maybe becuase he whines about taxes and our country
yet his income matches what I pay in taxes and he lives in mexico?

So you do think you are better than him because you earn more hence more tax, hmm...also I thought that in America or any other democratic country one had the right to moan about ones tax or anything else for that matter without being told to STFU??
So you do think you are better than him because you earn more hence more tax, hmm...also I thought that in America or any other democratic country one had the right to moan about ones tax or anything else for that matter without being told to STFU??

He has nothing to complain about
He is a little bitch like you
He has nothing to complain about
He is a little bitch like you

I will have enough to retire wherever I want, but I might retire to Mexico. What is your problem with someone retiring to Mexico to live a better life? 900 a month in Mexico is comfortable. 900 in the US is living ghetto style. You have never been to Mexico have you?
He has nothing to complain about
He is a little bitch like you

Tough words from the internet phantom!!

I suppose you never complain do you? Simply going through your posts would reveal the extent of it. Frankly I would rather live anywhere but the States these days.