Are you for or against gun control?


Well-Known Member
Having laws that:

1)Make it illegal for convicted murderers or rapists buy guns.
2)Make it illegal for mentally retarded people to buy guns.
3)Make it illegal for people convicted of domestic violence to buy guns.
4)Make it illegal for a man who runs into a gun store screaming about how he is going to shoot his girlfriend in the face to buy guns.

Is gun control. If you agree with any of the above, you support gun control!

So are you for gun control or are you against it?


Well-Known Member
i enjoy trolling idiots who misinterpret the second.
'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'

Gotta love the USA, great country founded on solid principals and a well laid set of rules and guidelines.
The founders laid a great foundation for us and we are quite lucky, lets maintain our exceptionalisim and greatness.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
I'm not for any new laws, we have enough on the books as it is.

Gun control is one of those things that is emotionally charged and void of comon sense. Just like drug laws, gay marriage, or any other social issue politicians use to divide the people to win votes.

Something Witty

New Member
Having laws that:

1)Make it illegal for convicted murderers or rapists buy guns.
2)Make it illegal for mentally retarded people to buy guns.
3)Make it illegal for people convicted of domestic violence to buy guns.
4)Make it illegal for a man who runs into a gun store screaming about how he is going to shoot his girlfriend in the face to buy guns.

Is gun control. If you agree with any of the above, you support gun control!

So are you for gun control or are you against it?
Gotta love the false Dichotomies you presented. Sean Hannity uses it all the time.


Are you a Sean Hannity fan or do you think you're debate/troll technique is retarded?


Well-Known Member
I'm not for any new laws, we have enough on the books as it is.

Gun control is one of those things that is emotionally charged and void of comon sense. Just like drug laws, gay marriage, or any other social issue politicians use to divide the people to win votes.
actually, marriage equality makes a lot of sense when you consider the 14th amendment.


Well-Known Member
Having laws that:

1)Make it illegal for convicted murderers or rapists buy guns.
We already have those laws, felons cannot own guns
2)Make it illegal for mentally retarded people to buy guns.
People who are mentally incapacitated are already banned from buying guns

3)Make it illegal for people convicted of domestic violence to buy guns.
Hell they already take your guns away even if the wife just gets a restraining order, no conviction necessary. No court even necessary.

4)Make it illegal for a man who runs into a gun store screaming about how he is going to shoot his girlfriend in the face to buy guns.
Making death threats is already illegal.

Is gun control. If you agree with any of the above, you support gun control!
As you can see, we already have gun control, it just doesn't work.

We have drug control, speeding control, watering control, animal control, etc , etc, etc

Having gun control does not mean that all gun related deaths will stop, if anything they will increase due to making a new class of ordinary citizen a criminal.

So are you for gun control or are you against it?[/QUOTE]


Active Member
why buy when you can print your own guns (you can download the gun cad specs for free) on a 3d machine...

google: Cody Wilson

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
actually, marriage equality makes a lot of sense when you consider the 14th amendment.
Sure, but why even have the government in a persons marriage? The whole basis of a marriage license is racism, remember when the US government came out with that great idea? It was for the sole fact to stop interracial marriage.

Today we know that line of thinking is pretty misguided, so why continue with something that the government has no business in.


Well-Known Member
Sure, but why even have the government in a persons marriage? The whole basis of a marriage license is racism, remember when the US government came out with that great idea? It was for the sole fact to stop interracial marriage.

Today we know that line of thinking is pretty misguided, so why continue with something that the government has no business in.
lol, so friggin transparent.

it'll be so much easier to totally reform the tax code and get the government out of marriage then it will be to simply make access to marriage equal.

rawn pawl lost, get over it.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
lol, so friggin transparent.

it'll be so much easier to totally reform the tax code and get the government out of marriage then it will be to simply make access to marriage equal.

rawn pawl lost, get over it.
I don't really care for Ron Paul, just another political fraud. My political leanings aside it still doesn't make what I said false.

Same with gun control, most rational people don't feel their rights are infringed due to them not being able to buy a F22. It's just that we have enough laws on the books, which we don't enforce very well to begin with. I don't see the need for more.


Well-Known Member
We already have those laws, felons cannot own guns

People who are mentally incapacitated are already banned from buying guns

Hell they already take your guns away even if the wife just gets a restraining order, no conviction necessary. No court even necessary.

Making death threats is already illegal.

As you can see, we already have gun control, it just doesn't work.

We have drug control, speeding control, watering control, animal control, etc , etc, etc

Having gun control does not mean that all gun related deaths will stop, if anything they will increase due to making a new class of ordinary citizen a criminal.

So are you for gun control or are you against it?

Do you think we should make murder legal since we do not stop all murders? Gun control stops some gun crimes, just like anti-murder laws stop some murders.


Well-Known Member
Do you think we should make murder legal since we do not stop all murders? Gun control stops some gun crimes, just like anti-murder laws stop some murders.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, gun control does stop gun crimes. You can never stop anything completely, people are gonna do what they want to do. Why would you sell someone who commited a violent crime a gun? I for have had a gun pointed at me and i've been shot with that same gun. Not fun, and scary.


Well-Known Member
Do you think we should make murder legal since we do not stop all murders? Gun control stops some gun crimes, just like anti-murder laws stop some murders.
Exactly, gun control does stop gun crimes. You can never stop anything completely, people are gonna do what they want to do. Why would you sell someone who commited a violent crime a gun? I for have had a gun pointed at me and i've been shot with that same gun. Not fun, and scary.
Gun control? What is that? It is something made up. There is no such thing. You make up an impossible, and Constitutional blocked idea about guns. Just because you say it, doesn't make it a magic possibility.

Move to the Commonweath of Nations if you want gun control. They do that. The USA cannot control guns. They are playing your emotion. Not fun and scary.... That's what it's suppose to be.

What is possible to do, to people, and what you have fallen for, is mind control.

Demon Feinstien is armed each day with a .44 revolver. Oh, yeah. She and her ilk tell you gun control stops gun crime......No. She carries a gun to stop crime.

There are no facts on this at all, except guns are a positive for us. And many are scared of guns, thanks to mind control. You bought the base assumption that is meaningless. The numb-nuts made up a lot of facts, just for fear to tamper with your emotions. They have made you think gun control is possible.

It did pass remember, the first assault weapons ban. It did nothing. Statistics were collected and showed it DID NOTHING about gun crime. NOTHING. But, what the facts do show clearly, (you need to think) States with more access to legal carry, have less gun crime, NOT more.

So, if facts were known and the Press/Media would tamper you correctly, you would be for Open carry in every state. If you were properly informed you would realize what guns are for. And you would be against most of the restriction. You'd favor gun safety taught in school.

But, this subtle confusion is totally Orwell. Double talk has lead to double think. Guns are actually Good.

So, dream on. The USA accepts the dreamer but not the dreams.

PS - the crimes that can be stopped with a gun. Home invasion, store robbery, Rape, and assault are much higher in Gun Controlled Commonwealth.

Why is that? But, more important why is that not screamed in the Press? Think about it or be thought controlled.


Well-Known Member
Gun control? What is that? It is something made up. There is no such thing. You make up an impossible, and Constitutional blocked idea about guns. Just because you say it, doesn't make it a magic possibility.

Move to the Commonweath of Nations if you want gun control. They do that. The USA cannot control guns. They are playing your emotion. Not fun and scary.... That's what it's suppose to be.

What is possible to do, to people, and what you have fallen for, is mind control.

Demon Feinstien is armed each day with a .44 revolver. Oh, yeah. She and her ilk tell you gun control stops gun crime......No. She carries a gun to stop crime.

There are no facts on this at all, except guns are a positive for us. And many are scared of guns, thanks to mind control. You bought the base assumption that is meaningless. The numb-nuts made up a lot of facts, just for fear to tamper with your emotions. They have made you think gun control is possible. It did pass remember, the assault weapons ban. Statics were collected and showed it DID NOTHING about gun crime. NOTHING. But, what the facts do show clearly, (you need to think) States with more access to legal carry, have less gun crime, NOT more.

So, if facts were known and the Press/Media would tamper you correctly, you would be for Open carry in every state. If you were properly informed you would realize what guns are for. And you would be against all the restriction

But, this subtle confusion is totally Orwell. Double talk has lead to double think. Guns are Good.

So, dream on. The USA accepts the dreamer but not the dreams.

I'm not scared of guns, I'm scared of crazy people with guns. So what you are saying is that it should ok for some guy who just got out of jail for violent crime to go and buy a gun? No, sorry people should have they're mental status checked if they want a gun. I've known too many people who can't control themselves or they're emotions. People who would shoot you before they'd have a conversation with you about they're problem. Yes, we should be allowed to have guns, but not anyone. If someone came to your house and was like..."Hey I was walking down the street and this fucking faggot looked at me funny. NO, he didn't say anything i'm tired of them, I hate fucking faggots they're destroying our country and they shouldn't be here. Someone should just fucking kill them all. Can I borrow your gun for a second? No, no, it's fine i'll be right back" Would you give it him? No i'm not a homophobe or anything btw, just an example.