are you getting the h1n1 vaccine?


Active Member
Be weary of motherfuckers who want to cure you with a jab that they say will stop you catching something when the jab is going to make you sick with it, load of bollox let them keep their jabs, man has survived long enough without the need for vaccines now all of a sudden they want to inject everybody with miracle cures ,not for me thank you please


Well-Known Member
I used to be on board with the flu vaccine thing. Then I discovered that any current vaccine is actually for the previous strain of the virus.

Those scientist-types can't just snap their fingers and produce a vaccine. It must be isolated and then grown, and that takes time.

Too much time
before the virus mutates.

Flu vaccines are a placebo at best.

Compulsive hand washing is a much more logical defense.


Active Member
there have been overwhealmingly more deaths this year from the traditional flu compared to swine flu. it isnt the panademic they promote it as, it is mild at best.

all the hype is to generate fear in the public so when all the pharmaceutical companies come along with there vaccines everyone will purchase their product. the drub companies are making incredible $$$$ from this.

they have rushed through the vaccine process & it is largely untested and the side effects not truely known. a number of people worldwide have died & gotten ill hours after having received it. shit even has mercury in it....

do your own research before blindly following what the 'health advisors' recommend. many if not all are on drug company boards and there 'advice' is biased...


Well-Known Member
there has been the swine flu in the area where i live and to be safe i got the shot along with my kids...........fuck that............


Well-Known Member
flu vaccine = useless.
johnny o said it first, viruses mutate. especially the flu.
placebo effect at its finest.
honestly, now that i think about it, i couldnt think of a better way to catch a virus than waiting in line at a healthcare facility with hundreds of other people you normally wouldnt have contact with!