Are you PROUD of your SEMEN?


Well-Known Member
NO fucking way! That can't be real. But I have a sick feeling it is. I love the flan. What did they do for the topping? Carmelize a shower turd?
Oh, I'm afraid it is -

I read that during times of famine in India, people regularly sucked each other off for the pure nutrition of it. Men, women, and even children. There are some cultures today that do this as ritual. Guys, don't ask me where to join such organizations, I do not know... or do I?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm afraid it is -

I read that during times of famine in India, people regularly sucked each other off for the pure nutrition of it. Men, women, and even children. There are some cultures today that do this as ritual. Guys, don't ask me where to join such organizations, I do not know... or do I?
But one shot of semen Is only 5-7 calories. I think.

If my science is correct, that's A LOT of fucking loads to get nurtured.


Well-Known Member

(No clue who this "P" person is. But my guess is her boyfriend had been fibbing to her about skipping dinner and swallowing his load instead)

Dear P,

A typical ejaculation fills up about one teaspoon; the actual amount is determined by a man's age (younger men usually make more semen), when he last ejaculated, and how long he's aroused before ejaculating, among other factors. Contrary to what you've heard, semen is not loaded with calories. Each teaspoon of ejaculate has about five to seven calories and some 200 to 500 million sperm. Since sperm make up only about one percent of semen, what accounts for the other 99 percent? Well, its other ingredients include:

  • Fructose sugar
  • Water
  • Ascorbic acid (a.k.a., Vitamin C)
  • Citric acid
  • Enzymes
  • Protein
  • Phosphate and bicarbonate buffers (bases)
  • Zinc
Can swallowing semen enrich a protein poor diet? Unless you're gulping gallons of it each day, it's no substitute for real nutritious cuisine! While it may be nutrition you're after, P, semen can also transmit sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It may be a good idea to keep in mind safer sex practices when considering whether or not to swallow.


Well-Known Member
lmao at this whole thread. Im very proud of my cum but i switch it up, i like shooting a load on a girls face if she asks for it like the little slut she is. but id still rather cream it deep inside her or down her throat. Iv done the 3something twice and once with 2 suicide girls(alternative model agency for the old folks) definitely fun but my ex girl got pissed cuz i finished in the other girl lol.


Well-Known Member
I think my fav it to pull it out and shoot it right on her pussy.
Especially if they spread it a little.

I guess in the moment Im a little proud.
Like fireworks W/report

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I always wondered why it was, say, acceptable for a girl to suck off a guy after he pulled out of her puss or
playing with a viberator and lick it off when done.
A guy tastes himself and it's and unacceptable. (at least to me it is)


Well-Known Member
He is on a low sodium diet.
I don't get it, this is almost baffling to me. What someone eats? Seriously, what someone fuckin' eats?

Dude, a guy could eat his own shit for all I care, there are men out there who eat their babies placenta! Who cares about what someone eats?! Who in their right mind would beat someone up over something they ate?

Whoever would do something like that has a very substantial mental deficiency, that's the only logical answer


Well-Known Member
I took it as its not something he wants to do or watch.
Not sure though.
Its not a cause I would actively fight against.
Besides if they eat it I wont accidentally step in it.

Hopefully you're right, I'll wait for BnB's response to comment. I can sort of understand if you're that irrational (I mean, I don't really find a chick licking her dildo right out of her pussy to be sexually appealing, and if she did it while I was sitting down eating lunch or something in public I'd probably take issue with it), but who gives a damn what someone does inside the privacy of their own home unless it's building bombs or something? You want to eat your cum, have at it Hoss, I couldn't care any less. Let me know how you think it tastes, that's probably all I'd really be interested in just to quell the curiosity factor.. But who kicks someones ass for it? I find that very odd..